A Experimental Study on the Effect of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum on Hyperlipidemia & Hypertension

황연해독탕(黃連解毒湯)과 온청음(溫淸飮)이 고혈압(高血壓) 및 고지혈증(高脂血症)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Kim, Eun-Sun (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung San University) ;
  • Park, Chi-Sang (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung San University) ;
  • Park, Chang-Gook (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung San University)
  • 김은선 (경산대학교 심계내과학 교실) ;
  • 박치상 (경산대학교 심계내과학 교실) ;
  • 박창국 (경산대학교 심계내과학 교실)
  • Published : 1999.03.30


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum on essential hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Rats were orally administered for 30days with Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum and the blood was withdrawn at 10, 20 and 30days after an oral administration. The heart rate, tail blood pressure, plasma renin activity, plasma level of aldosterone. catecholamine, sodium and angiotensin II were measured after an oral administration of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum in spontaneously hypertensive rat(SHR). In addition, serum levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol. LDL-cholesterol and total lipid were measured cholesterol-fed rats. The results were summarized as follows ; 1. A significant decrease of tail blood pressure was shown at 10, 20 and 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum treatment in SHRs. compared with saline. 2. Heart rate was significantly decreased at 30days in SHRs after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 20, 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment in SHRs. compared with the effects of saline group. 3, A significant decrease of plasma aldosterone level was elicited at 10, 20days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment in SHRs, compared with the effects of saline group, 4. Plasma renin activity was significantly decreased at 10days after Onchung-Eum treatment compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 5. Plasma norepinephrine level was significantly decreased at 20 and 30clays after Onchung-Eum treatment in SHRs, compared with the effects of saline group. 6. A significant decrease of plasma epinephrine level was induced at 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 10, 20 and 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 7. Plasma sodium level was. significantly decreased at 20days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 8. Plasma angiotensin II level was significantly decreased at 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 9. A significant decrease of body weight was observed at 20 and 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 10, 20 and 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment. compared with the effects of saline group in hyperlipidemia rats. 10. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum showed a significantly decreasing effect at 30days on serum total cholesterol level in hyperlipidemia rats, compared with the saline treatment. 11. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum saw 20 and 30days respectively on serum triglyceride level in the saline treatment. 12. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum decreased on serum HDL-cholesterol level significantly, compared with the saline treatment in hyperlipidemia rats. 13. A significant decrease of serum LDL-cholesterol was observed at 10 and 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in hyperlipidemia rats. 14. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang had a significantly decreasing effect at 10, 20 and 30days on serum total lipid level, compared with the saline treatment in hyperlipidemia rats. 15. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang elicited a significantly decreasing effect on weight of kidneys, spleen and testes respectively and Onchung-Eum induced on weight of liver and spleen respectively in hyperlipidemia rats, compared with saline treatment. These Findings suggest a possible anti-hypertensive and anti-hyperlipidemic effect of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum.



  1. 東醫心系內科學(上) v.1 李京燮(등)
  2. Harrison's 내과학(II) v.1 Harrison번역 편찬위원회
  3. 最新漢方臨床學 裵元植
  4. 藥物療法 醫樂敎育硏究院
  5. 대한내과학회지 v.45 no.3 한국 정상 성인에서의 혈청 총콜레스테롤 및 중성지방치에 관한 연구 성영호;한재호;송준화(등)
  6. 淸心降火丸이 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 宋美德
  7. 黃連解毒湯의 약리학적 연구 杜鎬京
  8. 外臺秘要 王燾
  9. 醫方集解 王昻
  10. 東醫臨床方劑學 尹吉榮
  11. 中醫方劑學 南京中醫學院
  12. 萬病回春 공廷賢
  13. 東醫處方大全 v.3 東醫科學院
  14. 天眞處方解說 成輔社編輯部
  15. 溫淸飮이 四鹽化炭素로 損傷된 白鼠肝細胞에 미치는 影響 徐明
  16. 溫淸飮과 加味溫淸飮이 抗알레르기 反應과 血液凝固에 미치는 影響 範熙邊
  17. 素虛 後世處方學 趙世衡
  18. 圖說漢方診療要方 李載熙
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  22. Circulation v.77 Tissue renin-angiotensin system physiologic and pharmacologic implications. Dzau, V.J.
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  26. Clin Chem. v.18 A simple method for the isolation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma without use of the preparative ultra centrifuge. Folch, Less M.;Sloanestanley, G.H.
  27. 本經疏證 v.上 임진석
  28. 本草從新 吳儀洛
  29. 常用中藥學 南京中醫學院
  30. 本草求眞 黃官繡
  31. 黃連解毒湯煎液이 Thioacetamides毒性으로 인한 代謝障害에 미치는 效果에 對한 實驗的 硏究 崔大善
  32. 黃連解毒湯이 緬羊赤血球에 對한 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 宋昊埈
  33. 黃連解毒湯 藥針製劑의 安全性 및 效能에 關한 硏究 辛吉祚
  34. 黃連解毒湯加味方에 의한 면역글로블린E 媒介性 아나필락시의 抑制 尹星燦
  35. 漢方診療白話 矢數道明
  36. 인체생리학 고건일(외)
  37. 黃連解毒湯 엑기스가 家兎의 體溫 및 血壓에 미치는 影響 鄭遇悅