- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 醫宗必讀 李中梓
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 黃帝內經素問校注語譯(影印) 郭靄春
- 黃帝內經素問校注語譯(影印) 郭靄春
- Glldman. Gilmans. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. The aliphatic alcohols. Ritchie, J.M.;Gilman, A.G.(ed);Goodman, L.S.(ed);Rall, T.W.(ed);Murad, F.(ed)
- 醫門寶鑑 李東垣
- 醫門寶鑑 周命新
- 編註醫學入門(下) v.下 李정
- 景岳全書(上冊) v.上 張景岳
- 醫學實在易(陳修園醫書七十二種中) 陳修園
- 대전대학교 한의과대학 내과학 교실 v.2 no.1 술이 인체에 미치는 영향에 관한 동서의학적 고찰 朴承萬;趙種寬
- 대한한의학회지 v.11 no.1 酒傷의 觀察法에 對한 文獻的 考察 洪性媛;金知赫;黃義完
- 경희대한의대 논문집 v.7 葛花解정湯이 Ethanol 中毒 흰쥐의 肝機能에 미치는 影響 禹弘楨;金秉雲
- 신경정신의학 v.19 no.3 綜合病院 精神科에 入院한 알코올성 障碍者들. 吳太元;尹錫夏
- Gastroenterology v.104 Protein and nonprotein sulfhydryls and disulfides in the early phase of gastric mucosal injury caused by ammonia. ethanol. HCl, NaOH and Nacl in rats.
- Dig. Dis. Sci. v.33 no.7 Possible role of oxygen free radicals in ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage in rats. Szclenyi I.;Brunem, K.
- Scand. J. Gastroenterol v.30 Antioxidants inhibit ethanol-induced gastric injury in the rat. Ligumsky, M.;Sestieri, Okon E.;Ginsburg, I.
- Anal. Biochem v.95 Assay for lipid peroxide in animal tissue by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Ohkawa, H.;Ohishi, N.;Yaki, K.
- Arch. Biochem. Biophys. v.82 Tissue sulfhydryl group. Ellman, G.L.
- J. Biol. chem. v.244 Superoxide dismutase An enzymatic function for erythrocuprein(hemocuperin) McCord, J.M.;Fridovich, I.
- Catalase. Worthington enzyme Manual Decker L.A.
Biochem. J.
Regulation of xanthine oxidasa in rat liver. Modification of the enzyme activity of rat liver supematant on storage at -20
$^oc$ . Corta, E.D.;Stirpe, F. - J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurement with folin phenol reagent. Lowry, O.H.;Rosehrough, N.J.;Farr, A.L.;Randall, R.J.
- 諸病源候論 巢元方
- 類證治裁 林佩琴
- Clin. Chim. Acta. v.206 Glutathione, protein sulfhydryls and cysteine proteases in gastric mucosal injury and protection. Szabo, S.;Nagy, L.;plebani, M.
- Science v.214 Sulfhydryl compounds may mediate gastric cytoprotection Szabo, S.;Trier, J.S.;Frankel, P.W.
- Gastroenterology v.91 Protection by matals against ethanol induced gastric mucosal injury in the rat. Comparative biochemical and pharmacologic studies implicate protein sulfhydryls. Dupuy, D.;Szabo, S.
- Dig. Dis. Sci. v.35 Correlation between gastroprotection and inhibitino of cyst eine proteases by new maleimide derivatives. Nagy, L.;Johnson, B.R.;Saha, B.(et al.)
- 대한신장학회지 v.12 no.3 만성신부전증 환자에서 혈액 글루타치온치와 적혈구 항산화효소 활성도 변화 임현성;정종훈;문철웅
- Gastroenterology v.5 Simple Method for the uniform production of gastric ulceration in the rat. Shay, H.;Komarov, S.A.;Fals, S.S.;Meranze, D.;Gruenstein, M.Siplet, H.A.