프랙탈의 고등학교 수학교육과정에의 도입가능성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Possibility of Introduction of Fractals to the High School Mathematics Curriculum

  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


We seek the possibility of introduction of Fractals to the high school math. curriculum through identifying Fractals teaching programs appropriate for the scopes and sequences in math. education for the high school students. We presented the contents of Fractal theory suitable for the high school students. The following subjects were chosen to be introduced; self-similarity, Fractal dimension, Cantor set, Sierpinsky triangle, Sierpinsky carpel Koch curve, Koch island, perimeter estimate of rugged profiles drawn on paper, and chaos game. We developed the working papers and the criteria for appraisal. Each working paper focuses on the activities in which students can solve the given problems, understanding the characteristics and ideas of Fractals. The working papers were given to the second year students who take science course, and the degree of achievements were analyzed based on the appraisal criteria. The results show that it is possible to introduce Fractals to the high school students.
