무한으로의 접근(칸토르를 중심으로)

  • 임종록 (한양대학교 이과대학 수학과) ;
  • 한정순 (한양대학교 이과대학 수학과)
  • Published : 1998.06.01


We consider how the speculation of infinity has been established through Cantor's idea. Also this paper deals with a problem of infinity in view of the application of our real life, as well as the theoretical meaning.



  1. 수학의 확실성 모리스 클라인저;朴世澤
  2. 世界數學史 李星憲
  3. To infinity and beyond Moor, Eli
  4. A history of mathematics(2nd ed) Boyer, Carl B
  5. A history of Greek mathematics Heath, Sir Thomas L
  6. Mathematical modelling techiques Aris, R
  7. Man of mathematics Bell, E.T
  8. Set theory and continuum hypothesis Cohen, P.J;W. A. Benjami