Agent-based Collaborative Design Environment using WWW

WWW을 이용한 에이전트 기반 공동 설계 환경 개발

  • 안상준 (연세대학교 기계공학과 CAD/CAM연구실) ;
  • 이수홍 (연세대학교 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1998.03.01


This paper deals with a development of the system that implements a collaborative design environment with some intelligent agents on the m. Intelligent agents can design collaboratively trough an interchange of messages in their special domains. Such a collaborative design of agents is achieved on the WWW. In this paper, we propose special agents named intercessor and DCM (Dynamic Connection Manager) and suggest new connection architecture using these agents in the WWW in order to improve the pre-existed agent connection architecture. The proposed agents are developed using Java language and JATLite API. We apply the these agents to the new architecture and show some possibilities that the agent connection architecture can be extended in the WWW Agents interchange messages with others using KOML (Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language), agent communication protocol and language, and deal with message autonomously according to their rule base. Agents register and connect dynamically trough the intercessor agent, and infer from their.



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