A Generalization of the Discrete Feedback Adjustment by Rational Subgrouping

  • Park, Changsoon (Department of Applied Statistics, Chung-ang University) ;
  • Moonsup Song (Department of Statistics, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Jaeheon (Department of Industrial Information Engineering, Kwangju University)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Process adjustment has been widely used in production processes in order to set the output characteristic as close as to the target. Box and Kramer(1992) developed a feedback adjustment control procedure for process adjustment. We generalize their procedure by using a rational subgrouping of sequential observations. In this paper the feedback control rule of the rational subgrouping is proposed and the overall expected cost is evaluated. Also properties of the proposed control scheme are illustrated and compared to Box and Kramer's in the context of the expected cost.



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