데이터 마이닝과 의사결정 지원 시스템

  • Published : 1998.09.01




  1. Data Mining Adriaans,P.;D.Zantinge
  2. Decision Support Systems: Current Practices and Continuing Challenges Alte,S.L.
  3. Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support Berry,M.;G.Linoff
  4. Proceedings 1993 AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases Integrated Support for Data Archaeology Brachman,R.J.;T.Anand
  5. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining The Process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases Brachman,R.J.;T.Anand;Fayyad,U.M.(ed.);G.Piatetsky-Shapiro(ed.);P.Smyth(ed.)R.Uthurusamy(ed.)
  6. Communications of the ACM v.35 no.9 Task-Structure Analysis for Knowledge Modeling Chandrasekaran,B.;T.R.Johnson;J.W.Smith
  7. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery Fayyad,U.M.;G.Piatetsky-Shapiro;P.Smyth;Fayyad,U.M.(ed.);G.Piatetsky-Shapiro(ed.);P.Smyth(ed.)R.Uthurusamy(ed.)
  8. Sloan Management Review v.13 no.1 A Framework for Management Information Systems Gorry,G.A.;M.S.Scott-Morton
  9. Proc. KDD'96 DBMiner: A System for Mining Knowledge in Large Relational Databases Han,J.;Y.Fu;W.Wang;J.Chiang;W.Gong;K.Koperski;D.Li;Y.Lu;A.Rajan;N.Stefanovic;B.Xia;O.Zaiane
  10. DMQL: A Data Mining Query Language for Relational Databases Han,J.;Y.Fu;W.Wang;K.Koperski;O.Zaiane
  11. Expert Systems:A Decision Support Approach Klein,M.;L.B.Methlie
  12. Proc. the 22nd VLDB Conference A New SQL-like Operator for Mining Association Rules Meo,R.;G.Psaila;S.Ceri
  13. Decision Support Systems : An Applied Managerial Approach Sauter,V.
  14. Management Decision Systems:Computer Based Support for Decision Making Scott-Morton,M.S.
  15. Building Effective Decision Support Systems Spague,R.H.,Jr.;E.D.Carlson
  16. Decision Support and Expet Systems, Management Support Systems Turban,E.
  17. MIS Quarterly v.10 no.2 Integrating Expert Systems and Decision Support Systems Turban,E.;P.R.Watkins