연성포장체의 동적해석 및 프로그램개발 현황

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01




  1. Guide for Design of Pavement Structures AASHTO
  2. ELSYM5 Computer Program for Determining Stresses and Deformations in Five Layer Elastic System Ahlborbrn, G.
  3. Journal of Applied Physics v.16 no.2;3;5 The Theory of Stresses and kisplacements in Layered Systems Burmister, D. M.
  4. Proceeding of the International Conference on structural Design of Pavement Qpplication of Layered System Concepts and Principles to Interpretations and Evaluations of Asphalt Pavement Performances and to Interpretations and Evaluations of Asphalt Pavement Performances and to Design and constructions Burmister, D.M.
  5. Ph.D. Dissertation, the University of California-Berkeley Dynamic Analysis of Joined Concrete Pavements Subjected to Moving Transient Loads Chatti, K.
  6. Ph.D. Kissertation, University of California-Berkeley The Response of Multi-layered Systems to Dynamic Surface Loads Chen, S.S.
  7. J. of Applied Mechanics v.433 Strees Produced in a Half Plane by Moving Loads Cole, J;Huth, J.
  8. HRR v.228 Finite Element Analysis of Pavements Duncan, J.;Monismith, C.L.;Wilson, E.L.
  9. NCHRP Report 291 Development of Pavement Structural Subsystems Finn, f.(et al)
  10. Transportation Research Record 1286 MICH-PAVE, A monlinear Finite Element Program for Analysis of Flexible Pavements Harichandran, R.S.;Yeh, M.S.;Baladi, G.Y.
  11. Proc. Highway Research Board v.41 Influence of Vehicle Speed on Pavement Deflections Harr, M.E.
  12. Pavement Analysis and design Huang, Y.H.
  13. User's Manual, Department of Civil Engineering Program DAMA(CGEVRON) Hwang, D.;Witczak, M.W.
  14. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v.72 no.5 Dynamic loads in the Inertia of Layered Stratum, An Explicit Solution Kausel, E.;Peek R.
  15. Calfornia, Research Corporation Analysis of stress and Dis Placements in an N-Layered Elastic System under a load uniformly Distributed on a Circular Area Michelow, J.
  16. Therd International Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements v.Ⅰ Application of a linear Visco-elastic Characterization for asphalt Concrete Nair, K.;Smith, W.S.;Chang, C.Y.
  17. Proceeding of the International Conference on structural Design of Pavement Analysis of visco-clastic Pavement Subjected to Moving Loads Pister, K.S.;Westmann, R.A.
  18. Journal of Transportation Engineering v.106 Load Response of Transportation Support System Raad, L;Figueroa, J.L.
  19. Transportation Research Board 1410 Influence of Vehicle Speed on Dynamic Loads and Pavement Response Sebaaly, P.;Tabatabaee, N.
  20. Civil Enginering Dept., Reprot Synthesis of Rational Design of Flexible PAvements Soussou, T.E.;Moavenzadeh, F.;Findakly, H.K.
  21. Internal Report Numerical Conputation of Stresses and strains in Multiple-Layer Asphalt Pavement System Warren, H.;W.L. Dieckmann
  22. Public Roads v.7 no.2 Stresses in concrcte pavements computed by theoretical analysis Westergaard H.M.
  23. Prague Study of Elasticity and Strength Winkler, E.
  24. Practical of Pavement Design(2nd Edition) Yodar, E.J.;Witczak, M.W.
  25. Koninklijke Shell-Lablratorium, Amsterdam, External Report AMSR.006.73 Computer Program Bisat. Layered Systems under Normal and Tangential Loads Dejong, d.L.;Peutz, M.G.f.;Korswagen, A.R.
  26. TRR 1539 SAPSI-M:Computer Program for Analyzing Asphalt Concrete Pavement under Moving Arbitrary Loads Yun, K.K.;K. Chatti
  27. Journal form Transportation Engineering v.120 no.5 Dynamic Pavement-strain Histories forom Moving Traffic Load Zafir, Z.;Siddharthan, R.;Sebaaly, E.