Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic Enteritis (LPE) in Chinese Shar-Pei Dog

중국산 샤페이 개에서 발생한 림프구성-형질구성 장염의 발생예

  • Published : 1998.03.01


A two-year-old male Chinese Shar poi dog was admitted to the hospital because of chronic diarrhea. Abnormalities detected on physical examination were thickened intestinal loops and thin or cachexic body condition.4 complete blood count revealed a mild neutrophilia. The blood chemistry panel indicated no significant abnormalities. On proctoscopic examinations colonic mucosa was reddened and edematous. Numerous Iymphocytes, plasma cells and epithelial cells were observed in the cytologic examination of the rectal scraping.4 treatment was initiated with sulfasalazinei metronidazole and prednisolone and dietary management with rice and cottage cheese was performed simultaneously. Although antibiotic therapy and dietary management were donee the dog's condition deteriorated and died suddenly. Lymphocytic-plasmacytic enterocolitis was diagnosed by postmortem pathologic examination.



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