- 한작지 v.30 Burley종 잎담배 건조시 광질이 백화엽발생에 미치는 영향 배성국;임해건;김요태;류익상;최선영
- 한작지 v.31 버어리종 담배 건조시 급건엽 발생 방지에 관한 연구.Ⅰ.온·습도의 영향 배성국;임해건;추홍구
- 한연지 v.19 버어리종 잎담배 대말림시 수평대걸기에 관한 연구 배성국;김요태;임해건;조천준
- Tob. Sci v.7 Comparison of stalk-cured and primed tobacco for yield, value and certain chemical and physical properties of the cured leaf Atkinson, W.O.
- Transactions of the ASAE v.11 Weight as and indicator of progress in curing burley tobacco Bunn J.M.;W.H. Henson Jr.
- Tansactions of the ASAE v.16 Weight loss during curing of stalk tobacco Bunn J.M.;W.H. Henson Jr.;L.R. Walton
- Tob. Sci. v.22 Development of bulk curing schedules for burley tobacco Bunn J.M.;W.H. Henson Jr.;L.R. Walton
- Rec. Adv. Tob. Sci v.9 Effect of curing on the chemical composition of burley tobacco Burton H.R.;L.P. Bush;J.L. Hamilton
- 173rd Am. Chem. Soc. Recent progress in the chemistry of tobacco and toabacco smoke Enzell C.R.
- Progress chem. Org. Natural Products v.34 Isoprenoids and alkaloids of tobacco Enzell C.R.;I. Wahlberg;A.J. Aasen
- Adv. Enzymology v.6 Chemical changes in the harvested leaf I . Chemical and enzymatic conversions during the curing process Frankenburg W.G.
- Transactions of the ASAE v.17 Dry weight losses of burley tobacco during curing Henson W.H. Jr.;J.M. Bunn;L.R. Walton
- 葉硏 v.72 第5在來種およびバ-し-種におけゐ多葉干にっぃて 板橋稔;田中博;立道美朗;荒川義淸;前川眞紀子;津崎和夫;大堀和信
- Bulletin No. 407, Ky. Agri. Exp. Stn Effect of temperature and relative humidity during curing of burley tobacco Jeffrey R.N.
- Ky. Agri. Ept. Sta. Bull The relation of curing conditions to qulity in burley tabacco Jeffrey R.N.
- Ind. Eng. Chem v.44 Cigar tobacco chemical change that occur during curing Jenson C.O.
- 盛岡 だぱこ詩報 v.12 バ-し-種だぱこの乾燥條件と香喫味にっぃて 河田千脇;西中良照;山崎喜也;松田好子
- Proc. of the Univ. of Ky. Tob. and Health Res. Inst., 5th Tob. and Health Workshop Conference Chemical modification of burley tobacco by curing regime Lowe, R.H.;L.P. Bush;J.L. Hamlton
- Tob. Sci. v.30 Burley mechanization . Part Ⅰ. Effect of various amounts of priming on yield. price, value and leaf alkaloids Suggs, C.W.
- Production, physiology and biochemistry of tobacco plant Tso T.C.
- Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull 569 Behavior of tobacco leaves during curing Vickery H.B.;A.N. Meiss
- Tob. Sci v.25 Fan schedules for curing primed burey leaves at moderate temperature Walton, L.R.;L.D. Swetnam;J.H. Casada;G.A. Duncan