Analysis of Location Patterns for Protected Horticulture

시설원예의 입지유형 분석

  • Published : 1998.04.01


Location patterns of protected horticulture were analyzed using a multiple correspondence analysis(MCA). The analysis could be used in evaluating location suitability of protected horticulture. The location factors of the protected horticulture for MCA include land category, size of protected horticulture, land slope, topography, effictive soil depth, irrigation and drainage condition, distance from roads, and so forth. The results showed that there were three different location patterns of protected horticulture. The first pattern was characterized by their nearness to villages. The facilities of this pattern were mainly located near to residential area. The second pattern was of those found in plain area. The facilities of this pattern were large in scale and located in paddy field far from residential area. The facilities of the last pattern were small in scale and located on nonpaddy fields. They were mostly found in hilly or mountainous area.



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