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- Restructuring the Global Automobile Industry: National and Regional Impacts The world automotive industry in transition Bloomfield,G.T.;C.M.Law(ed.)
- New Explorations in the Economics of Technological Change International competition and national institutions: the case of automobile industry Dankbaar,B.;C.Freeman;C.Soete(eds.)
- Environment and Planning A v.24 Europe 1992 and strategic change in the international automobile industry Dicken,P.
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research v.13 Comparing transnational production systems: the automobile industru in the USA and Japan Hill,R.C.
- Driving Force: The Global Restructuring of Technology, Labour and Investment in the Automobile and Components Industry Hoffman,K.;Kaplinsky,R.
- Toward a New Map of Automobile Manufacturing in Europe?: New Prodeuction Conceps and Spatial Restructuring Hudson,R.;Schamp,W.S.(ed.)
- Tijdschrift voor Economicsche en Sociale Geografie v.83 no.2 Just-in time manufacturing and the spatial structure of the automobile industry: Lessons from Japan Mair,A.
- Regional Development and Contemporary Industrial Response: Extending F Flexible specialization of the Japanese model: Reconceptualising a new regional order Morris,J.;H.Ernste;V.Meier(eds.)
- Globalization Strategies for Korean Automobile Industry Korea Institute for Industrial Economics Park,Jung Gu & Kim, Hong Seouk
- The Global Region: Production, State and Lineven Development Sadler,D.
- Industrial Policy and the Motor Trade Wilks,S.