In order to clarify the depositional environment and sea-level change at Ilsan area including Gawaji and Saemal valley plains, which is located at the right side in downstream of the Han River, boring data, radiocabon dating and diatom analysis were comprehensively investigated. As a result, the palaeogeographies fo this area altered by the transgressions and regressions after 7,000 y. BP could be restored. The high tide sea-level(mean high water level of spring tide) was arrived ca. 7,000y. BP at the valley plain and risen to ca. 5.5m at ca. 5000y. BP. Since then, the sea-level was kept up the same level to ca. 3,200 BP. The descended sea-level to ca. 2,300 BP was risen up to ca. 5.8m in ca. 1,800 y. BP. It is presumed that such a sea-level change as well as the different sediments in quantity supplied from the river basin of the valley plain could be effected to change diversely the depositional environment of the study area and eventually to the prehistoric human life.