익렬간 혼합모델을 이용한 토크 컨버터 유동장의 수치계산

Numerical calculation of torque converter flow using interrow mixing model

  • 박재인 (연세대 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 조강래 (연세대 대학원 기계공학과)
  • Park, Jae-In (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Yonsel University) ;
  • Jo, Gang-Rae (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Yonsel University)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


In this study, a steady three-dimensional incompressible turbulent flow within a torque converter was numerically analyzed with the introduction of interrow mixing model. Mixing planes were introduced to exchange the flow informations between two adjacent elements of the torque converter. The mixing planes were installed among three elements of the torque converter. Therefore, in the present method, it could be possible to calculate the flow-filed within the torque converter without any assumption of circulating flow rates or any extension of boundaries toward the upstream and the downstream for each element. The numerically calculated performances of the torque converter were in good agreement with experimental results, and the complex flow patterns were be observed according to design and off-design condition. As a conclusion, it was found that the present numerical method was very effective in the steady flow analysis of torque converters.



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