수준별 교육과정의 적용에 따른 수학과 심화 보충 과정과 특별 보충 과정의 내용 선정 및 교수-학습 자료 구성 방향 - 중학교 1학년 1학기 수학과 내용을 중심으로 -

The Supplemental and Enriched Course, and Special Remedy Course for Differentiated Curriculum of Mathematics

  • 발행 : 1998.07.01


One of the main features of the 7th revised national curriculum is the implementation of a 'Differentiated Curriculum'. Differentiated Curriculum is often interpreted as meaning the same as 'tracking' or 'ability grouping' in western countries. In the 7th revised curriculum, mathematics is organized and implemented by 'Level-Based Differentiated Curriculum'. To develop mathematics textbooks and teaching-and-learning materials for Differentiated Curriculum, the ideas of 'Enriched and Supplemental Differentiated Curriculum'need to be applied, that is, to provide advanced contents for fast learners, and plain contents for slow learners. Level Based Differentiated Curriculum could be implemented by ability grouping either between classes or within classes. According to these two exemplary models, the implementation models for supplemental course and enriched course are determined. The contents for supplemental course are comprised of minimal essential elements selected from the standard course at a decreased level of complexity and abstraction. The contents of enriched courses are focused on various applications of mathematical knowledge in the real world. Special remedy course will be offered to extremely underachieved students, The principles of developing teaching-and-learning material for special remedy course were obtained from the histo-genetic principle, progressive mathematizing principle, and constructivism.
