A study on the health attitude and practice of Oriental Health Promotion

한방건강증진분야에 대한 사회의식 및 실천형태조사연구

  • Published : 1998.10.30


The purpose of this study was to explore the development of oriental health promotion project in korea. The study was performed from June 10, 1998 though June 30, 1998 by using questionnaires and the subjects were 208 in Taegu and Kyung-san city. The analysis methods were frequency, percentage, $x^2-test$ and ANOVA. The SAS/pc Program was used for the statistic analysis. The major findings are as followings; 1. The self-confidence of health was higher among male(2.59) than female(2.94). On the whole, the subjects studied have good health. Activity of daily life was medium. 2. As the subjects grow old, satisfaction level on health counselling with oriental doctors was high. Hospital and clinic covered 60-80% of the health assessment institutes and oriental hospital & clinic covered 10-18% of them. 3. As the subjects grow old was high the level of health promotion practice. On the whole, the level of health promotion practice was low. The physical exercise was highest covering 40% in the types of health promotion. 4. On the whole, the demand of oriental health promotion program was considerably high (male 2.06, female 2.49). The reason why the health promotion programs were necessary was necessary was the effectiveness of health promotion and the difficulty of self-practice. In the effectiveness of health promotion programs, the subjects were higher in oriental medicine than medicine. 5. In the validity level of physical constitution in the oriental medicine. the subject were high(3.48-3.80). But the necessity of the physical constitution change was medium.



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