Literatural Study on Moxibustion-theraphy of Febrile-Disease

열병질환(熱病疾患)의 구치료(灸治療)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • Cho, Myung-Rae (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibution, Oriental Medical college, Kyoung Hee University) ;
  • Park, Young-Bae (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibution, Oriental Medical college, Kyoung Hee University)
  • Published : 1998.10.30


It was the study on moxibustion-theraphy of Febrile-Disease to use clinical basic material date by the classic Literature, As a result The results were summerised as follows: 1. Principle of moxibustion-theraphy on fever of excess type is 'conducting heat with heat, (heat) had heat go out'. 2. Principle of moxibustion-theraphy on fever of defficiency type is 'Yin grows while yang is generating'. 3. The study on moxibustion-theraphy of Febrile - Disease is enable to use general term for manic-depressive psychosis, heat syndrome of febrile disease, heat (syndrome) of zang and fu(five solid organs and six hollow organs), jaundice, diabetes, hectic fever(due to yin-deficiency) etc. of medcine-disease. 4. The study on moxibustion-theraphy of Febrile-Disease is enable to using carbuncle, cellulitis, phlegmon, urticaria, disease due to noxious agents produced by various parasites, bite by dog, bite by snake etc. of surgical-disease. 5. The study on moxibustion-theraphy of Febrile-Disease is enable to using seven orfices of conjunctival congestion, blepharitis etc, of E.E.N.T-disease. 6. The study on moxibustion-theraphy of Febrile-Disease is enable to using epilepsy, infantile convulsion etc. of infantile-disease.



  1. 素問今譯 王琦(외)
  2. 靈樞經校釋(上) 河北醫學院
  3. 靈樞經校釋(下) 河北醫學院
  4. 傷寒雜病論 張仲景
  5. 鍼灸甲乙經校譯 皇甫謐
  6. 肘急備急方 葛洪
  7. 備急千金要方 孫思邈
  8. 外臺秘要 王燾
  9. 聖濟總錄 曹孝忠
  10. 扁鵲心書 上 宋太醫竇材重集
  11. 鍼灸資生經 王執中
  12. 中國醫學大系 v.14 世醫得效方 危赤琳
  13. 中國醫學大系 v.29 普濟方 朱橚
  14. 鍼灸聚英 高武
  15. 鍼灸集成 廖潤鴻
  16. 類經圖翼 張介賓
  17. 編註醫學入門上 李梴
  18. 鍼灸經驗方 許任
  19. 中國灸療集要 劉冠軍(主編)
  20. 鍼灸切要 高武
  21. 最新鍼灸學 金賢濟(外)
  22. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.14 no.2 鍼灸處方의 정형화를 위한 文獻的 考察 崔容泰(外)
  23. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.15 no.2 艾炷의 燃燒時間에 대한 實驗的 硏究-區間別 發現時點을 中心으로 朴英培(外)
  24. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.14 no.1 艾炷의 燃燒特性에관한 實驗的 硏究(1) - 燃燒溫度의 類型을 中心으로 朴英培(外)
  25. 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.17 no.1 艾炷의 撚燒特性에 관한 實驗的 硏究(2)-艾炷의 密度를 中心으로 朴英培(외)
  26. 東洋醫學 v.6 艾灸의 用量이 血淸中 酵素活性에 미치는 影響 金庚植
  27. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.11 no.1 艾灸의 物理的 特性에 관한硏究 金甲成
  28. 中醫雜誌 熱證可灸論 魏稼
  29. 中國灸療學 章逢潤(外)