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- Biomesstechnik-Verlag March Gmbh, D-7806 March The isolated perfused warm-blooded heart according to Langendorff H. Dehnert;H. J. Doring
- The principles and practice of medicine Harvey A. Mc Gehee
- Cardiology Plowman, P. N.
- J.Mol. Biol. Cellular v.14 Biotransformation of cardiovascular toxin, allylamine, by rat and human cardiovascular tissue Boor, P. J.;Nelson, T. J,
- J. Natl. Cancer Inst. v.155 Adriamycin-a review Carter, S. K.
Toxicol.Appl. Pharmacol.
Mitochondrial regulation of superoxide by
$Ca^{2+}$ :an alternative mechanism for the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin Chacon, E.;Acosta D. - Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.124 Cardiotoxicity of heterocyclic amine food mutagens in cultured myocytes and in rats Davis, C. D.;Farb, A.;Thorgeirsson, S. S.;Virmani, R,;Synderwine, E. G.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.34 The protective effects of taurine on hypoxia(performed in the absence of glucose) and on reoxygenation(in the presence of glucose) in Guinea-pig heart Fraconi, F.;Isabella, S.;Paola, F.;rosanna, M.;Baccaro, C.;Montorsi, L.;Bandinelli, R.;GioHi, A.
- In Methods in Enzymology Free radicals and metal ions in human dicease Halliwell, B.;Gutteridge, J. M, C;L Packer;A. N. GIazer(eds.)
- Ann. Thorac. Surg. v.47 Modified Reperfusate After Long-Term Preservation of the Heart Jeffrey C. Milliken;Anne M. Billingsley;Hillell Laks.
- Anne. Thorac. surg. v.32 no.1 The optimal Potassum Concentration in Cardioplegic Solutions John H. Rousou;Richard M. Engelman;William A. Dobbs;Stanley Lemeshow
- Toxicol v.71 The effect of hexane on the ventricular fibrillation threshold of the perfused rat heart Khedun, S. M.;Maharaj, B.;Leary, W. P.;Lockett, C. J.
- Anal. Biochem. v.175 Clinical and biochemical applications of luciferases and luciferins Kricka, L. J.
- Pfugers Arch. Ges. Physiol. v.61 Langendorff, O. Untersuchungen;Uberleberden Sagertierzen
- Cardiovasc. Res. v.24 Antiarrhythmic effect of amiodarone on doxorubicin acute toxicity working rat hearts Lambert, C.;Mossiat, C.;Tanniere. Z. M.;Maupoil, V.;Rochette, L.
- Biomed. Biochem. Acta. v.45 The cultured myocardial cells as a model in cardiac research Morwinski, R.
- Bichem Biophys. Res. Commun. v.204 Human cardiac fibroblasts express an angiotensin receptor with unusual binding characteristics which is coupled to cellular proliferation Neub, Regitz-Zagrosek, V.;Hildebrandt, A.;Fleck, E.
- FASEB Journal v.4 Doxorubicin cardiotoxicity:Analysis of prevailing hypothesis OIson, R. D.;Mushlin, P. S.
- Toxicol. Methods. v.2 Organ culture of rat myocardial slices:An alternative in 269 vitro tool in organ specific toxicology Parrish, A. R.;Shipp, N. G.;Spall, R. D.;Dorr, R. T.;Korumdieck, C. L.;Gandolfi, A. J.;Brendel, K
- Toxico. Appl. Pharmacol. v.102 Maitotoxin-induced myocaidial cell injury:Calcium accumulation followed by ATP depletion precedes cell death Santostasi, G.;Kutty, R. K.;Bartirelli, A. L.;Yasumoto, T.;Krishna, G.
- Cancer Res. v.53 Characterization of experimental mitoxantrone cardiotoxicity and its partial inhibition by ICRF-187 in cultured neonatal rat heart cells Shipp, N. G.;Dorr, R. T;Alberts, D. S.;Dawson, B. V.;Hendrix, M.
- Circulation v.66 Possible role for cytotoxic oxygen metabolites in the pathogenesis of cardiac ischemic injury Shlafer M;Kane PF(et al)
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.107 Allylamine and acrolein toxicity in perfused rat hearts Sklar, J. L.;Anderson, P. G.;Boor, P. J.
- Life Sci. v.36 Maintenance of adult rat liver slices in dynamic organ culture Smitsh, P. F.;Gandolfi, A. J.;Krumdieck, C. L.;Putnam, C. W.;Zukowski, C. F. lll; Davis, W. D.;Brendel, K.
- Prog Cardiovasc dis. v.28 The oxygen free radical system:A fundamental mechanism in the production of myocardiac necrosis Thompson JA;Hess ML
- Cancer Res. v.50 di-N, N'-Dicarboxamidomethyl-N, N'-dicarboxy-methyl-1, 2-diaminopropane (ICRF-198) and d-1, 2-Bis (3, 5-dioxopiperzine-1-yl) propane (ICRF-187) inhibition of Fe3+ reduction, lipid peroxidation, and CaATPase inactivion in heart microsomes exposed to Adriamycin Vile, G. F.;Winterboum, C. C.