- 腫瘤的辨證施治 錢伯文
- 中醫腫瘤學 郁仁存
- 腫瘤病 李岩
- 辨證診治槪要 白洪龍
- 東洋醫學 v.18 no.1 癌의 中醫治療 鷹暢
- 精校黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植
- 韓方外科 蔡炳允
- 現代醫學別冊 v.7 no.5 腫瘍學의 發展을 中心으로 한 個個腫瘍의 文獻的 考察 金承濟
- 病理學 大韓病理學會(編)
- 종양학 서울대학교 의과대학
- 腫瘤臨證備要 李岩
- 中西醫結合治療癌證 張代釗
- Cancer v.54 Clinical trials for the evaluation of cancer therapy Fish B
- J. Kor. Cancer Assoc. v.21 Clinical Comparison with drug sensitivities by the human tumor clonogenic assay Kim, SH
- J. Kor. Cancer Assoc. v.22 In vitro chemsensitivity of doxorubicin on human cancer cell lines Park CG;Lim DK;Kook YH;Cha CR;Paik CG
- Cancer Res. v.47 Cell culture human colon adenomas and carcinomas Willson JK;V, Bittner GN;Obeney TD;Meisner LF;Weese JL
- Cancer Res v.46 Characterization of a human squamous carcinoma cell line resistent cis diammine dichloroplatinum(II) Teicher BA;Holden SA;Kelly MJ;Shea TC;Cucchi CA;Rosowsky A;Henner WD;Frei E
- JKMA v.31 The response of human bladder cancer cell line to cytotoxic drug A comparison of coloney formation assay and isotope uptake assay Lee, NK
- Cancer v.65 An ln vitro chemosensitivity test for screening anticancer drug in childhood leukemia Hongo T;Fujii Y;Igarashi Y
- 연세의대 논문집 v.16 시험관 및 생쳬내 암세포(S-180YS)의 adriamycin에 대 한 내성세포의 염색쳬 분포특성 이창혜;이봉기;이원형;김주덕
- 대한암학회지 v.22 진행성 위암에 대한 5-FU, Adria mycin 및 Cisplatin(FAC) 병용화학요법의 치료효과 공경덕;이상욱;한병훈;서승연;허만하;박병채
- Cancer Res. v.47 Effect of verapaxmilon in vitro cytotoxity of adriamycin and vinblastine in human tumor cell Goodman GE;Yen YP;Cox TC;Crowlry J
- In Methods in Cancer Research Host defence mechanism and their modification by cancer chemotherapy Harsh EM;Ereireish EJ
- Lancet v.1 Lymphocytophenia and change in stribution of human B and T lymphocyte in peripheral blood induced by irradiation for mammary carcinoma Stajerward JM;Vanky F
- Cancer v.34 Lymphocyte blastogenesis induced by autochtonous human solid tumor cells;Relationship to Stage of disease and serum factor Mavlight GM;Hersh EM;McBride CM
- Cancer Res. v.34 Corelationship of in vitro and in vivo assays immunocompetance in cancer patients Golub SH;Morton DL
- Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. v.181 Chemical-induced immunomodulation Kokker DL
- Immunitatsforshung and Expermentelle The rapie v.149 Immunoadjuvant activity of cell Wall, their waters-soluble fractions and peptidoglycan subunits, prepared from various gram-positive bacteria and of Synthetic N-acety-lmuramyl peptides Kotanl, S;Watanabe Y;Shimono T
- 中西醫結合雜誌 v.4 no.1 中藥複方抗瘤粉治療腦膠質瘤效的 初步觀察 宋慕玲(外)
- 中成藥硏究 no.6 梅花点舌丹抗腫瘤作用實驗硏究 李先榮(外)
- 中西醫結合雜誌 v.4 no.5 蟾酥製劑對免疫功能作用的初步硏究 孫關林(外)
- 中西醫結合雜誌 v.5 理胃化結湯結合手術與化療治療 320例胃癌患者療效分析 潘明繼(外)
- 中醫雜誌 v.9 活血祛瘀中藥幷用放射療法治療鼻咽癌前瞻性對照試驗的觀察 報告 蔡偉民(外)
- 趙永植 博士 華甲紀念論文集 數種 韓藥材가 制癌劑 및 Glucocorticoid의 抗體生産 抑制作用에 미치는 影響 金光湖(外)
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.9 數種의 韓藥物이 癌細胞 感受性에 미치는 影響 任宰訓
- Yaoxue Tongbao v.19 no.9 Constituents of the essential oil from rhizome of Attactylodes macrocephala produced in pingjiang(China) and their antitumor effects Tang, Defang;Hao, Yonung;Liu, Zuoya;Miao, Shulin;Wei, Hua;Wu, Jian
- Antitumor agents from medical plants Sasaki S
- Yakuyo Ninjin Sono Kenkyu to Shinpo Effects of Ginseng on cancer cell Odajima Yoshio
- 白鼠를 利用한 枳賓 魚腥草 穿山甲 및 猪苓의 抗癌效果에 關한 硏究 沈載然
- 伏梁丸이 白血病과 肝癌患者에서 抽出한 癌細胞에 미치는 抗糖效果 金剛山
- 肥氣丸 및 消稍正元散이 사람의 各鍾 癌細胞柱의 成長沮碍에 미치는 效果 金剛山
- 痞氣丸이 白血病과 淋巴腫 患者에서 247 抽出한 癌細胞에 미치는 抗癌效果 韓相日
- 黃芪桃紅湯이 endotoxin으로 유발된 백서의 혈전증에 미치는 영향 이진홍
- J. Kor. Med Assoc. v.27 Effect of Panax ginseng on the tumorigenesis induced by 3-meth-Icholanthrene in mice Lee JH;Ha TY
- Cancer Res. v.45 Induction of tumoricidal activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes by a line B(1-3)-D-glucan and other immunomodulators in murine cells Moorikawa K;Takeda R;Yamazaki M
- Science v.214 Natural killer cell, their role in defence against disease Herberman RB;Ortaldo JR
- J. Immunol. Methods v.141 Cell-mediated cytotoxicity against U937 cells by human monocytes and macrophages in a modified colorimetric MTT assay Van de Loosdrecht AA;Nennie E;Ossenkoppele GJ;Beelen RHT;Langenhuijsen MAC
- J. lmmunol. v.130 Natural killer cells as a responder to interleukin 2 prolferative response and establishment of cloned cell Suzuki R;Handh K;Itoh K
- 癌瘤中醫防治硏究 賈堃
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.7 no.2 癌의 韓洋方倂用洽療에 對한 報告 裴元植
- 現代 中共의 癌治療 洪元植
- 外科大全 顧鳴盛
- 醫宗金鑑(下) 吳謙(外)
- 六科準繩(外科準繩) 王肯堂
- 韓方外科學 東醫學硏究所
- 診療要鑑(下) 金定濟
- 東醫寶鑑(四卷) 許浚
- 外科正宗 陳實功
- 古今醫方集成 吳克潛
- 東垣學說論文集 丁光迪
- 醫學入門(外集卷三) 李梴
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 神農本草經 v.一;二 孫星衍(編)
- 本苧從新 吳儀洛
- 中氏本草學 申佶求
- 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁(外)
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 中藥藥理與應用 王浴生
- 醫林改錯 王淸任
- 中醫學問答(上) 楊醫亞
- 克癌制勝最新腫瘤求醫指南 府軍
- 中醫腫瘤防治大全 李家康(外)
- 抗癌中草藥大事典 劉春安(外)
- 抗癌本草 常敏毅
- N Engl J Med v.257 Investigation of the relation between clinical and tissue culture response to hemotherapeutic agents on human cancer Wrigth JC;Plummer-Cobb J;Gumport S;Golomb FM;Sfadi D
- J Immunol v.109 The application of an in vitro cytotoxicity test to studies the effects of drugs on the cellular immune response in mice:1. Primary response Fass L;Fefer A
Quantitative assay of the lytic action of immune lymphoid cells on
$^{51}Cr$ labeled allogenic target cells in vitro inhibition by isoantibody and by drugs Brunner KT;Mauel J;Cerotorn JC;Chapuis B - Proc Soc Exp Biol Med v.97 Effects of chemotherapeutic agents on metabolism of human acute leukemia cells in vitro Laszlo J;Stengle J;Wight K;Vurk D
- Cancer v.19 Biochemical studies of human tumors II.In vitro estimation of individual tumor sensitivity to anticancer agents Bickis IJ;Henderson MD;Quastel JH
- J Natol Cancer Inst. v.28 Mouse myeloma tumor Stem cells. A primary cell culture assay Park CH;Bergsagel DE;McCulloch EA
- Clin. Exp. Immunol. v.45 Activation of human NKCA by moderate exercise : Increased frequncy of NK cell with enhanced capability of effector-target lytic interactions Targan S;Brivan L;Dorey E
- Cancer Res. v.20 Phyotohemagglutinin and indicator of mitosis in cultures of normal human leucocytes Nowell PL
- Host Defence against Cancer and I Potentiation Fundmental approaches to cancer immunotherapy using a protein bound polysaccharide PS, K with special reference to its clinical application Ysukagoshi S;Mizuno D;Chihara G;Fukuoka F;Yamamoto T;Yamamura Y(eds)
- J. Kor. Immunol. v.6 Immunological studies on natural killer cells Lee JH;Chung YS;Ha TY
- Jap. J. Agr. Chem. v.162 Study on the polysaccharide produced by Schizophyllan commune Fnes Kikumoto S;Miyazima T;Kimura K
- Gann v.65 Isolation and characterization of a new 249 immunomodulatory protein, LingZhi-8(LZ-8) from Ganoderma Lucidium Kino K;Yamashita A;Yamaoka K
- v.45 Isolation and structure of the strong cell growth and tubulin inhiibitor combrestatio A-4 Experimentia Pettit GR;ingh SB;Hamel E
- Immunology v.27 The orientation of the adjuvant activity of Salmonella typhosa lipopolysaccharide and lentinan Dressor DR;Phillips JM
- Natl Cancer lnstitute v.51 Immunopotentiation with BCG. 2. Modulation of the response to sheep red blood cells Miller TE;Mackaness SB;Lagange PH
- Med. Microbial v.17 Antomicrobial effects of a macrophage derived cytotoxin from the serum of BCG-primed rabbits (tumor necrosis serum) Neale MJ;Matthews S
- Current Veterinary Therapy Immunotherapy MacEwan EG;RW Kirk(ed.)
- J. Exp. Med. v.139 The modifying effect of BCG on the immunological induction of T cells Meckness GB;Lagrange PH;Ishibashi T
- Infect Dis. v.135 lmmunomodulation of host resistant to experimentaI viral Infections in mice:Effect of Corynebacterium and BCG Glasgow LA;Fishbach J;Bryant SM
- In Immunology, Ciba Foundation Symphosium Corynebacterium parvum, a potent immunostimulant in experimental infections and in malignancies Halpen B;Fray A;Crepin Y;GEW Wolstenholme;J. Knight(ed.)
- Science v.193 Selective in vitro growth of T lymphocytes from normal human bone marrow Morgan DA;Rusecetz FW;Galla RCY
- 臨床腫瘤綜合治療大典 張宗岐(外)
- 中藥大辭典(下) 江蘇新醫學院