The Bibiographical Inverstigation of the Apple and Neung-keum

사과, 능금에 대한 문헌학적 고찰 -임금(林檎), 내(柰), 빈과의 비교 고찰을 통하여-

  • Kim, Jong-Dug (Dept. of Constitutional Medicine, college of Oriental Medicine KyungHee University) ;
  • Koh, Byung-Hee (Dept. of Constitutional Medicine, college of Oriental Medicine KyungHee University)
  • 김종덕 (경희대학교 한의과대학 사상의학과) ;
  • 고병희 (경희대학교 한의과 대학 사상의학과)
  • Published : 1998.04.30


We can have the following summary regarding the apple, what is called, 'the king of fruits' through the study of bibliographic science. 1. Im-keum(林檎) could be translated into 'Neung-keum'(능금)(Malus asiatiaz Nakai), Nea(奈) into 'Meut'(멋), and Bin-gwa into 'apple'(사과)(Malus pumila Mill), and Bin-gwa was reformed from Meut. Thus, Neung-keum is similar to the apple, yet it is' different each other. 2. The imported year of the apple which was reformed from Meut(멋) from China was in 1654 whereas Neung-keum(능금) is a native kind. 3. The apple inscribed by Sa-gwa(沙果) on the present korean language dictionary should be changed into Sa-gwa. The Sa-gwa(沙果) is used as another name of Neug-keum(능금) in China. 4. We can find the bibliographic record that an apple or Neug-keum(능금) had been used as a substitution of San-sa(山사) to be used to Soe-um-in(小陰人). 5. The apple and Neug-keum(능금) are recommended to the Soe-um-in(少陰人) as a food for Yang-ran-ji-gi(陽煖之氣) to be served as Bo-myung-ji-ji(保險之主) to Soe-um-in(少陰人).



  1. 廣才物譜
  2. 南岡漫錄
  3. 朝鮮王朝實錄
  4. 閨閤叢書 憑虛閣李氏
  5. 林園經濟志 徐有榘
  6. 海東農書 徐浩修
  7. 欽定授時通考 鄂爾泰
  8. 增補山林經濟 柳重臨
  9. 鄕藥集成方 兪孝通
  10. 五洲衍文長箋散稿 李圭景
  11. 芝峰類設 李晬光
  12. 木草綱目 李時珍
  13. 松南雜識 趙在三
  14. 訓蒙字會 崔世珍
  15. 農政會要 崔漢綺
  16. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  17. 山林經濟 洪萬選
  18. 약이 되는 먹거리 Jean Carper;안덕균(역)
  19. 正中形音義綜合大字典 高樹藩
  20. 三訂 果樹園藝各論 金正浩(외)
  21. 사상의학회지 v.7 no.1 體質別 食品分類의 受當性과 括用에 관한 小考 金芝英(외)
  22. 새 우리말 큰사전 申琦澈(외)
  23. 新編中藥大辭典 新文豊出版公司
  24. 고전국역총서 산림경제 1 辛承云
  25. 漢方食療解典 沈相龍
  26. 韓國食品文化史 李盛雨
  27. 뉴에이스 國語辭典 李崇寧
  28. 삼화학습국어사전 李崇寧
  29. 우리가 정말 알아야할 우리나무 백 가지 李惟美
  30. 사상의학회지 v.7 no.1 食品에 對한 考察 李義柱(외)
  31. 大韓植物圖鑑 李昌福
  32. 한국農學史 李春寧
  33. 民衆 엣센스 國語辭典 李熙昇
  34. 나무百科(2) 林慶彬
  35. 四象醫學 전국 한의과대학 사상의학교실
  36. 우리말 큰사전 한글학회
  37. 우리말 큰사전 한글학회