Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Volume 8 Issue 2
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- Pages.232-241
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- 1997
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- 2233-9183(eISSN)
학교폭력 피해 청소년의 정신의학적 후유증에 관한 사례 연구
- Yook, Ki-Hwan (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicinem Yonsei University) ;
- Lee, Ho-Bun (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicinem Yonsei University) ;
- Noh, Kyung S. (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, Kangbuk-Samsung Hospital) ;
Song, Dong-Ho
(Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicinem Yonsei University)
- 육기환 (연세대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실) ;
- 이호분 (연세대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실) ;
- 노경선 (성균관대학교 의과대학 강북삼성병원 정신과학교실) ;
(연세대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실)
- Published : 1997.12.31
The psychological problems following the experiences of school-violence could be more important than the physical problems. Victims could suffer from fear, depression, anger, lowered self-esteem, suicidal thought, and personality changes. To study the risk factors for school violence and the psychiatric problems after the experiences to school-violence provide us important informations to prevent and solve the problems of school violence. We examined clinical characteristics and psychosocial backgrounds of 13 adolescents who visited the psychiatric clinic after exposures to school violence from September, 1996 to May, 1997. The clinical data included intensity, motivations, durations, and methods of violence, psychiatric symptoms following exposure, findings of psychological test, and treatment course. The socioeconomic data included developmental characteristics of subjects, family characteristics, school life, and peer relationships. Of the 13 adolescents who experienced exposure to violence, 8 have experienced chronic psychiatric disturbances, 5 experienced transient psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression, suicidal attempt who eventually returned to home and school life. Of the 8 adolescents who experienced chronic psychiatric disturbances, 4 experienced PTSD and depression lasting 3-6 months more, otherwise 4 showed converted features, such as aggressive behavioral disorder or perpetrator by strong compensatory effects after psychological shock. The subjects who have experienced chronic psychiatric disturbance have clinical characteristics such as physical or emotional abuse, physical illness or handicap, defects of ego functionings, and lack of family support. In summary, victims by school-violence manifested serious psychiatric disturbances, and they had clinically significant risk factors and some of them became perpetrators of school-violence.
학교폭력의 피해를 입은 경우, 물리적인 측면보다는 정신적인 문제가 더 클 수 있다. 폭력을 당한 이후에 공포심, 우울감, 분노감, 자존심의 저하, 자살, 그리고 만성적으로는 인격장애등이 나타날 수 있다. 학교폭력과 연관하여 사회심리적인 위험요인을 조사하고, 동시에 폭력에 노출된 후에 나타나는 정신의학적 후유증을 알아보는 일은 학교폭력 예방과 해결에 주요한 임상자료를 제공하기 때문에 학교폭력의 실태조사만큼이나 중요하다. 1995년 9월부터 1997년 5월 사이에 학교폭력의 피해를 입고 정신과에 내원한 청소년 환자 13명을 대상으로하여 임상자료와 사회심리적 배경을 조사하였다. 임상자료는 폭력의 정도와 동기, 기간과 방법, 폭력후의 정신과적 증세, 심리검사 소견 및 치료경과 등을 포함하였고, 사회인구학적 자료는 대상들의 성장과정과 가족적 특성, 그리고 학교생활과 교우관계였다. 13명의 전체대상 중 8명은 만성적인 정신장애를 겪은 반면, 5명은