연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국과학재단
In this paper, statistically optimal accelerated life test(ALT) plans considering statistical efficiency only and new compromise ALT plans to sacrifice some statistical efficiency in return for improved overall properties including estimobility probability and robustness for the model assumptions are developed under the assumptions of constant stress, intermittent inspection, Type I censoring and lognormal failure distribution which has been one of the popular choices of failure distributions in the extensive engineering applications of ALT. Computational experiments are conducted to compare with four ALT plans including two proposed ones under continuous and intermittent inspections over a range of parameter values in terms of asymptotic variance, sensitivities for guessed input values, and proportion of estimable samples, etc. The small and moderate sample properties for the proposed ALT plans designed under asymptotic criterion are also investigated by Monte Carlo simulation.
연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국과학재단