2자유도 동작범위를 고려한 reach volume의 해석적 생성

Analytic Generation of Reach Volume Based on Range of Two Degrees of Freedom Motion

  • 기도형 (계명대학교 산업공학과)
  • 투고 : 19960800
  • 발행 : 1997.03.31


When designing workplaces or arranging controls on panel, devices and controls should be placed within the reach of operator's arm or foot to guarantee effective performances. Most of the existing research on the reach volume were based on measurements of a few subject's arm reach, and limited to Caucasian and Chinese populations. Furthermore, reach volume considering foot or trunk motion have not been investigated. Range of human joint motion and that of two degrees of freedom motion are needed to generate reach volume analytically using the sweeping algorithm. However, range of two degrees of freedom motion has not been measured up to now. Therefore, range of two degrees of freedom motion was measured in this research, where 47 college students were participated voluntarily as subjects. The results showed that the motion of one joint can be limited by the motion of another motion, that is to say, the shoulder flexion was decreased significantly when the shoulder was adducted or abducted. Second, new approximate algorithms generating reach volumes were suggested, in which range of two degrees of freedom motion was used as input data. Depending upon the body segment included such as trunk, arm and leg, three types of reach volume were provided, in which the human body was modeled as a multilink system based on the robot kinematics and the sweeping method was employed. Reach volume generated analytically in this study showed statistically reasonable results when compared with that obtained from direct measurement.
