A Study of Resident's Evaluation on Natural Environment and the Evaluation Factors

자연환경에 대한 주민의 평가와 평가 요인에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Dong-Kun (Dept. of Environmental Science & Landscape Architecture, Sangmyung University)
  • 이동근 (상명대학교 환경조경학과)
  • Published : 1997.06.20


The purpose of this research is to draw out the factors affecting the residents' evaluation on valuable animal and vegetation and the naturality of vegetation seen near regional environment. With this purpose, Questionnaire research and vegetation survey focusing on area of types of vegetation and species of big trees were made in 30 points of midstream of Tama River, Tokyo, Japan. The questionnaire research was based on basin environment units in order to be reflective of regional natural environment. The vegetation was classified into 5 types according to its flora and observed the covering area of each points and types through the aerial photograph. In addition, the species of big trees in habitat were listed by the survey. Results as below came out by analyzing the outcome of the questionnaire research and vegetation survey by multiple regression. First, residents are most likely not to distinguish precisely between the quantitative and qualitative aspects of vegetation. Both of the researches are apt to be influenced by quantitative factors of vegetation. Second, residents are assumed to consider forest of big trees, inhabitant of groups of big trees, highly natural.
