- The World Within the World Barrow, John D
- Men of Mathematics Bell, E. T
- Gerog Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite Dauben, Joseph Warren
- 수학의 위대한 순간들 Eves, Howard;허민(옮김);오혜영(옮김)
- Peters v.II Gauss, K. F;Briefwechsel Zwischen C. F;Gauss und H. C;Schumacher, C. A. F;Altona G. Esch(ed)
- Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Philosophische Kritik v.88 Das Problem des Unendlichen Gutberlet, Constantin
- Cosmos and Creator Jaki, Stanley L
- Infinity and the Mind Rucker, Rudy
- Mathematics and Its History Stillwell, John
- Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science Weyle, H
- Trigonometric Series(2nd ed) v.2 Zigmund, A
- 무한과 유한 다께우찌 게이(엮음)