낙동강, 서낙동강, 수영천 하구의 하상구조에 따른 연중 퇴적저토의 오염특성 연구와 부산근해 적조에의 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Relation between Riverbed Structure and Pollutant Concentration in Down Stream of Nakdong River

  • 황선출 (인제대학교 환경학과) ;
  • 이봉헌 (인제대학교 환경학과, 부산대학대 화학과, 부산전문대학 공업화학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This study was performed to investigate the riverbed structure and the pollution type in Nakdong River, Western Nakdong River. and Suyoung Stream. Sediment and water samples were collected at is in Nakdong River. in Western Nakdong River, and 8 states In Suyoung Stream from February 20, 1997 to June 15, 1997. The depth distributions of sampling sites in the three streams were measured and heavy metals(Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu) and pesticides in sediments and COD, BOD, and total nitrogen(T-N) in water samples were analysed. The deepest and the shallowest sites were strate 11(11.58m) and 9(3.35m) in Nakdong River, site 7(6.25m) and 4(2.06m) in Western Nakdong River, and site 8(2.89m) and 1(0. 61m) in Suyoung Stream , respectively. The mean concentration of Cd(45.79ppm) was higher In the sediment of Western Nakdong River than In other two streams and those of Pb(76.25ppm), Cr(48.13ppm), and Cu(77.50ppm) were higher in file sediment of Suyoung Stream than in other two streams. Pesticides(1 kind of organophosphorus and 3 kinds of organochlorine pesticide) were detected only in the sediment of Western Nakdong River. The mean concentrations of COD(20.26ppm), BOD(25.36ppm), and T-N(18.05ppm) were higher in the water sample of Suyoung Stream than In other two streams.



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  2. 서낙동강의 수질 오염도에 관한 조사 연구 김도훈
  3. 수영강하구의 수질 보전 방안에 대하여 김수생
  4. 낙동강 상수 원수 수질 개선 방안 동남 개발 연구원
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  6. 한국환경과학회지 v.3 no.4 서낙동강 유역 강물, 저토 및 토양의 중금속 분포 특성 박흥재;박종길;박원우
  7. 수자원 조사 설계 및 개발 계획 수자원 공사
  8. 한국환경과학회지 v.6 no.2 Study on the Development of Analytical Method(Multi-Pesticide Residue Method) for the Organophosphate Pesticides 이봉헌;김우성;박원우;정성욱;박흥재
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