비균일 환경에서 표적 검파를 위한 순서계통에 근거한 일정오경보율 검파기의 성능 해석

Performance analysis of CFAR detectors based on order statistics for nonhomogeneous background

  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


In this paper, we first propose a modified OS CFAR detector called the order statistics cell averaging(OSCA) CFAR detector and anlyze its performance for a Rayleigh target in homogeneous backgrounds, clutter edges, and satistics smallest of(OSSO) CFAR detectors for a Rayleigh target to nonhomogeneous environments. Computer simulation results show that the OSCA CFAR detector has superior performance to OS, OSGO, and OSSO CFAR detectors in homogeneous and multiple target environments. And the proposed detector shows its robustness for fast detection because it requires falf the processing time of the OS CFAR detector.



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  2. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-26 Analysis of some modified ordered statistic CFAR:OSGO and OSSO CFAR A. R. Elias-fuste;M. G. Mercado;E. R. Davo
  3. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-24 Aalysis of CFAR processors in nonhomogeneous background P. P.Gandhi;S. A. Kassam
  4. Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, corrected and enlarged edition I. S. Gradshteyn;I. M. Ryzhik
  5. The Art of Computer Programming v.3 Sorting adn Searching D. E. Knuth