덧셈 잡음에서 합성신호의 비모수 검파기

A nonparametric detection scheme of composite signals in additive noise

  • 배진수 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • 박주식 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • 김윤희 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • 송익호 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


In this paper, rank-based nonparmetric detection of composite signals in additive noise is considered. Based on signs and ranks of observations, the locally optimum detector is deived for weak-signal detection under any specified noise probability density funhction. This detector has similarities to the locally optimum detector for comjposite signals in additive noise. The asymptotic performance of this nonparametric detector is shown to be as good as that of the locally optimum detector.



  1. Nonparametric Detection Theroy and Applications S. A. Kassam;J. B. Thomas
  2. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.38 Locally optimum rank detection of correlated random signals in additive noise I. Song;S. A. Kassam
  3. Advances in Statistical Signal Processing v.2 Signal Detection H. V. Poor;J. B. Thomas
  4. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.42 Locally optimum distributed detection of correlated random signals based on ranks R. S. Blum
  5. Signal Process v.52 Nonparametric detectino of known and random signals based on zero-crossings J. Bae;Y. Ryu;T. Chang;I. Song;H. M. Kim
  6. Signal Precess v.23 Detection of composite signals:Part 1. Locally optimum detector test statistics I. Song;J. C. Son;K. Y. Lee
  7. Signal Detection in Non-Gaussian Noise S. A. Kassam
  8. Ph.D.dissertation, Dept. of EE, KAIST Signal Detection Problems:Classical Approah and Fuzzy Mathematical Approach J. C. Son
  9. Ph.D.Dissertation,Dept. EE, KAIST (in prepa ration) Signal Detection in Various Distrubance Models:Purely-Additive,Weakly-Dependent, and Multiplicative Noises, and Inter-User Interference J. Bae
  10. Theory of Rank Tests J. Hajek;Z. Sidak
  11. Signal Process v.23 Detection of composite signals:Part 2. Examples and performance comparisons J. C. Son;I. Song