양자화 제약 집합에 투영을 이용한 벡터 양자화된 영상의 후처리

Post-processing of vector quantized images using the projection onto quantization constraint set

  • 김동식 ;
  • 박섭형 (한국통신 통신망연구소 초고속망연구실 네트웍서비스팀) ;
  • 이종석 (LG전자 기술원 지능 정보 부문)
  • 발행 : 1997.04.01


In order to post process the vector-quantized images employing the theory of projections onto convex sets or the constrained minimization technique, the the projector onto QCS(quantization constraint set) as well as the filter that smoothes the lock boundaries should be investigated theoretically. The basic idea behind the projection onto QCS is to prevent the processed data from diverging from the original quantization region in order to reduce the blurring artifacts caused by a filtering operation. However, since the Voronoi regions in order to reduce the blurring artifacts caused by a filtering operation. However, since the Voronoi regions in the vector quantization are arbitrarilly shaped unless the vector quantization has a structural code book, the implementation of the projection onto QCS is very complicate. This paper mathematically analyzes the projection onto QCS from the viewpoit of minimizing the mean square error. Through the analysis, it has been revealed that the projection onto a subset of the QCS yields lower distortion than the projection onto QCS does. Searching for an optimal constraint set is not easy and the operation of the projector is complicate, since the shape of optimal constraint set is dependent on the statistical characteristics between the filtered and original images. Therefore, we proposed a hyper-cube as a constraint set that enables a simple projection. It sill be also shown that a proper filtering technique followed by the projection onto the hyper-cube can reduce the quantization distortion by theory and experiment.



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  13. Proc. 1994 ITE Annual Convention Iterative reduction of blocking artifacts in transform coding by using a narrow quantization constraint S. H. Park;Y. Yashima
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  15. Proc. SPIE VCIP'96 Symposium Projection onto the narrow quantization constraint set for postprocessing of scalar quantized images D. S. Kim;S. H. Park
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  17. Proc. IEEE ICIP'96 v.Ⅱ no.Ⅲ Projection onto the narrow vector quantization constraint set for postprocessing of vector quantized images S. H. Park;D. S. Kim;J. S. Lee
  18. Proc. IEEE ICIP'96 v.Ⅱ no.Ⅲ A projection-based postprecessing technique to reduce blocking artifact using a priori information on DCT coefficients of adjacent blocks H. Paek;S. Y. Lee
  19. IEEE Trans. Image Processing On tesitn trained vector quantizer codebooks D. S. Kim;T. Kim;S. U. Lee
  20. IEEE Trans. Image Processing Theory of projection onto narrow quantization constraint set and its application S. H. Park;D. S. Kim
  21. 한국통신학회 논문지 v.22 no.4 협 양자화 제약 조건을 이용한 부호화된 영상의 후처리 박섭형;김동식;이상훈