Bootstrapping Unified Process Capability Index

  • Cho, Joong-Jae (Department of Statistics, Chungbuk National University, Chenogju, 360-763) ;
  • Han, Jeong-Hye (Department of Computer Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, 360-763) ;
  • Jo, See-Heyon (Chongju National University of Education, Chongju, 360-150)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


A family of some capability indices { $C_{p}$(.alpha.,.beta.); .alpha..geq.0, .beta..geq.0}, containing the indices $C_{p}$, $C_{{pk}}$, $C_{{pm}}$, and $C_{{pmk}}$, has been defined by Vannman(1993) for the case of two-sided specification interval. By varying the parameters of the family various capability indices with suitable properties are obtained. We derive tha asymptotic distribution of the family { $C_{p}$(.alpha.,.beta.); .alpha..geq.0,.beta..geq.0} under general proper conditions. It is also shown that the bootstrap approximation to the distribution of the estimator $C_{p}$(.alpha., .beta.) is vaild for almost all sample sequences. These asymptotic distributions would be used in constructing some bootstrap confidence intervals.tervals.



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