Korean traditioinal village's spaces and human moving line system

전통마을 공간의 동선구조분석 - 한개ㆍ한잠마을의 길을 대상으로 -

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


As you know, there are a lot of our own traditional folk village exist in Korea, our country. Most people just know is that Korean traditional village is just happen make it and just continuously keeping this times type. But this village is not just make it but made by serious scientific sources such as, rule of locating streets. There are three very important reasons why I research this topic for my research paper. The first important reason is that Korean traditional villages have the pattern of human moving line system in accordance with hyung-kug. Hangae village that located on inclined ground named baesanimsu has the longer human moving line than Hanbam village that located on level ground. The second important reason is that Korean traditional villages have the smaller human moving line of the length and the amplitude as long as going inside villages. But the unit of the amplitude is the larger. Hanae and Hanbam village is the same pattern. The third important reason is that Korean traditional villages have the smaller human moving line of the length and the amplitude as long as having the larger gradient. Hangae and hanbam village is the same pattern. And Hanbam village hast he bigger human moving line of the length, the amplitude and the unit of the amplitude. In conclusion, by these three important big reasons, Korean traditional village is built by scientific sources. And now we can say that our old generation was very unbelievable genius. By these reasons we have to make sure when we make another city town and farm village planning. The meaning of making sure is that a person who have responsibility for making city have to make plan by scientific sources. It has to be not only theoretical but also think about real human life. It also fit on our traditional.



  1. 조선시대 도시사회연구 손정목
  2. 도시문제 v.21 no.6 우리나라 도시내 역사적 공간형성의 과정과 현실 최승선
  3. 한양대 도시공학과 석사학위논문 전통마을의 형성요인과 그 패턴에 관한 연구 김항집
  4. 서울시립대 조경학과 석사학위논문 전통마을 한밤 '대율'경관의 의미해석 장동수
  5. 국민대 건축학과 석사학위논문 한국 전통마을의 장소성과 그 공간구성체계에 관한 연구;덕미마을을 중심으로 나한범
  6. 명지대 건축공학과 석사학위논문 한국 전통마을의 공간구성 방법에 대한 연구 강선중
  7. 전남대 임학과 석사학위논문 조경학적 측면에서 한국 전통마을의 공간구성에 관한 연구;海南 連洞마을을 중심으로 김진성
  8. 전남대 석사학위논문 조경적인 측면에서 한국전통마을의 옥외공간 구성에 관한 연구;대구리마을을 중심으로 장수영
  9. 부산대 석사학위논문 전통마을 공간구성의 원형적 질서에 관한 연구 이지영
  10. 영남대 건축공학과 박사학위논문 조선시대 영남지방 반촌의형성과 공간구성에 관한 연구 이규성
  11. 경희대 도시공학과 석사학위논문 한국전통마을의 가로공간 구성요소에 관한 연구;안동 하회마을을 중심으로 서상윤
  12. 서울시립대 석사학위논문 영남지방 농촌마을의 길과 장소에 관한 연구 고일석
  13. 한국조경학회지 v.14 no.1 경사지원로의 선형분석 김용수;나정화