한국인의 도시/농촌별 식이섬유 섭취량 추정

Estimation of the Dietary Fiber Intake by the Korean Population according to Urban and Rural Areas

  • 이미경 (이화여자대학교 아시아식품영양연구소)
  • 발행 : 1997.09.01


The daily intake of dietary fiber by Korean population in urban and rural areas was computed from an optimized food intake based on national nutrition survey, food balance sheet, and the dietary fiber content of Korean foods. The average intake of dietary fiber the nationwide and in urban and rural areas were 24, 22 and 28g in the 1970's, 20, 21 and 20g in 1980's , and 22, 22 and 21g in the 1990's , respectively. As compared with the recommended dietary allowance of 20-25g for Koreans, the average intake of dietary fiber was within the normal range, regardless of urban and rural areas. Since the dietary pattern of korean people is being changed according to different life style, the exact intakes of dietary fiber by diverse specific population groups should be assessed in the future.



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