모유 영양아의 단백질 섭취량과 성장

Changes on Protein Intake and Body Weight of Breast-fed Infants during Lacation

  • 이영남 (경희호텔전문대학 식품영양과)
  • 발행 : 1997.09.01


In order to investigate the protein intake of breast-fed infants, we examined sixty infants during the first 5 months of lactation. Human milk intake infants increased during lactation with the respective values of 525, 671, 734, 744 , 765 and 768g/day t 0.5, 1, 2, 3, , 4 and 5 months postpartum. The average protein contents of human milk showed 1.58, 1.38, 1.23, 1.11, 1.08and 1.07g/100g respectively. The protein intake of boys during the first 5 months of lactation averaged 9.11g/day which was higher than the 7.71g/day average for girls. Body weight of infants at birth was 3337g, which increased significantly during lactation. The protein intake per body weight of breast-fed infants in boys was significantly higher than that in girls(p<0.01). Protein intake of breast-fed infants had survey, a revaluation of the protein intake and recommended dietary allowance of protein during early infancy should be considered.



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