모유 영양아의 모유 섭취량과 체중 변화

Changes on Breast Milk Intake and Weight of Breast-fed Infants during the Lactation

  • 이정실 (동우전문대학 식품영양과)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


In order to investigate the body weight change and human milk intake of breast-fed infants, we examined thirty-three infants with test-weing method in Sokcho area during the first 5 months of lactation. The average birth weight of infants was 3300g. They grew 3300, 3805, 4676, 5878, 6786, 7403, and 8111g when they became 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 months old. The is human milk intake was 515, 650, 718, 731, 746 and 796g/day during the lactatin. Human milk intake of boys was significantly higher than that of girls at 1(p<0.05), 2(p<0.01), and 3(p<0.01) months of lactation. During lactatin, the number of feedings per day decrerased. The human milk intakes per feeding had increased from 54.4g at 0.5 months to 98.9g at 5 months of lactation The human milk intake on infants was not affected by gestational period and birth weight. From this survey, we found a difference between boys and girls in human milk intake.



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