The purpose of this study is to clarify the Kitsch's character of the Surrealism and Pop Art expressed in the modern fashion design

현대 복식에 표현된 초현실주의 팝아트의 키치 특성에 관한 연구

  • 추미경 (상명대학교 디자인대학원)
  • Published : 1997.09.01


For the purpose of this study is the re-searcher investigated the concept and background of kitsch and the character of Kitsch in the paintings with focus on the Surrealism and Pop Art. In this study it was focused that how the shapes and materials was expressed in the modern fashion. Surrealism in paintings is lead thoughts and art movement to humanism of be-having man and pursuit of mental sub-stance of human beings expressing un-conscious word and transforming image in new way by the methods Automatism and Depaysements. Pop Art in paintings is used to objects common and cheap in the popular con-sumer's society. That is to say Pop Art sublimated con-sumptional culture of mass as art. And this phenomenon is appeared in the modern fashion which have influencedon the shapes and materials in design. Kitsch's character was researched in terms of shapes materials in the modern fashion with focus on the Surrealism and Pop Art and their aspect are summarized as follows: 1. In he aspect of shapes it appears that the shapes in the modern fashion is that of play through the method distor-tion or modification of dress. It was un-derstood that the cause of the dreaming and fantasy in the childhood. In the aspect of materials it apepears that the materials in the modern fashion is that of exagerated-decoration through using of object which is various asses-sories flower doll etc. 2. In the aspect of shapes it appears that the shapes in the modern fashion is that of disharmoney disorder and unsuit-ableness. The major cause of that is be-cause of Antistandard fashion I the aspect of materials it appears that the materials in the modern fashion is that of sarcasm pleasantness. It was reviwed that the major cause of the wit or humor comes from the image of the masses makes use of such as plastic fun-ny picture can coin etc.
