Comparisons of Teachers' Satisfaction with School Lunch Program in Middle and Elementary Schools run by Foodservice Management Type

초.중등학교 교사의 학교급식 만족도에 대한 위탁운영 및 직영 형태간 비교

  • 이정원 (충남대학교 가정교육과) ;
  • 박양자 (서울대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 박영숙 (순천향대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이미숙 (한남대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.08.01


Teacher's satisfaction with school lunch programs run by foodservice(FS) management types were surveyed with questionnaire at 5 middle and 4 elementary schools. The 88 middle and 104 elementary school teachers who participated and schools' FS management were of 5 types : self/conventional, contracted/conventional, contracted/commissary and contracted/dosirak delivery. Most teachers knew correctly their schools' present FS management types and thoroughly understood the main reasons for needing school lunch program with proper nutrition, better taste and balanced diets in addition to the first reason its less work than preparing homelunches. Teacher's satisfactions with their present school FS were high in self/conventional and contracted/conventional and was very low in contracted/commissary and contracted/ dosirak Taste, hygiene, nutrition and dining facilities in turn were pointed out to be improved : firstly hygiene in the self and firstly taste in the contracted. Particularly dining-rooms were found to have narrow space, uncomfortable chairs and tables, unclean, and having unpleasant smells. Teachers observed that the overall students' food habits such as eating more various foods and better table manners through that school lunch programs, particularly the self-managed types were improved. Conclusively most teachers emphasized school lunch programs to be continued and preferred self-managed types and contracted/conventional types as the second best in having less work to manage, better, taste, nutrition and hygiene, less cost and better nutrition education in turn. And they thought school founders should handle the finances needed to newly establish or repair the school FD facilities, otherwise provided with the partial aid of student's parents.
