• Kwon, Kil-H. (Department of Mathematics KAIST ) ;
  • Lance L.Littlejohn (Department of Mathematics and Statistics Utah State University )
  • 발행 : 1997.11.01


We reconsider the problem of calssifying all classical orthogonal polynomial sequences which are solutions to a second-order differential equation of the form $$ \ell_2(x)y"(x) + \ell_1(x)y'(x) = \lambda_n y(x). $$ We first obtain new (algebraic) necessary and sufficient conditions on the coefficients $\ell_1(x)$ and $\ell_2(x)$ for the above differential equation to have orthogonal polynomial solutions. Using this result, we then obtain a complete classification of all classical orthogonal polynomials : up to a real linear change of variable, there are the six distinct orthogonal polynomial sets of Jacobi, Bessel, Laguerre, Hermite, twisted Hermite, and twisted Jacobi.cobi.



  1. Acta Math. Sci. Hung. v.4 Eine Bemerkung uber die Characterisierung der klassischen orthogonale Polynome J. Aczel
  2. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. v.45 The Stieltjes moment problem for functions of bounded variation R. P. Boas
  3. Math. Z. v.29 Uber Sturm-Liouvillesche Polynomsystems S. Bochner
  4. An introduction to orthogonal polynomials T. S. Chihara
  5. Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. v.25 Rodrijues' formulas and the classical orthogonal polynomials C. W. Cryer
  6. Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sec. Math. v.1 Sur les polynomes orthogonaux classiques A. Csaszar
  7. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.107 no.3 The Stieltje moment problem for rapidly decreasing functions A. J. Duran
  8. Rocky Mountain J. Math. v.23 no.1 Functions with given moments and weight functions for orthogonal polynomials A. J. Duran
  9. J. Comp. Appl. Math. v.49 Real orthogonalizing weights for Bessel polynornials W. D. Evans;W. N. Everitt;K. H. Kwon;L. L. Littlejohn
  10. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris v.200 Sur les polynomes de Tchebicheff J. Favard
  11. Acta. Sc. Math. v.17 On a characterization of classical orthogonal polynomials J. Feldmann
  12. Messenger of Math. v.4 On Stieltjes' "Probleme des Moments" G. H. Hardy
  13. The analysis of linear partial differentiol operators I L. Hormander
  14. Results in Math. v.18 Hyperfunctional weights for orthogonal polynomials S. S. Kim;K. H. Kwon
  15. Diff. and Int. Eauations v.4 Generalized weights for orthogonal polynomials S. S. Kim;K. H. Kwon
  16. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. v.4 On the classification of differential equations hoving orthogonal polynomial solutions II A. M. Krall;L. L.Littlejohn
  17. Duke Math. J. v.4 Certain differential equations for Tchebychev polynomials H. L. Krall
  18. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. v.47 On derivatives of orthogonal polynomials II H. L. Krall
  19. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.65 A new class of orthogonal polynomials : The Bessel polynomials H. L. Krall;O. Frink
  20. J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.8 A characterization of orthogonal polynomials H. L. Krall;I. M. Sheffer
  21. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. v.4 Differential equations of infinite order or orthogonal polynomials H. L. Krall;I. M. Sheffer
  22. Bull. London Math. Soc. v.24 Orthogonalizing weights for Tchebychev sets of polynomials K. H. Kwon;S. S. Kim;S. S. Han
  23. Results in Math. v.24 Characterizations of classical orthogonal polynornials K. H. Kwon;J. K. Lee;B. H. Yoo
  24. Rocky Mt. J. Math. Sobolev orthogonal polynomials and second-order differential equations K. H. Kwon;L. L. Littlejohn
  25. SIAM J. Math. Anal. v.25 no.3 Characterizations of orthogonal polynomials satisfying differential equations K. H. Kwon;L. L. Littlejohn;B. H. Yoo
  26. de France v.7 Sur l'integrale $∫^∞_x$$x^-1e^-xdx$ E. N. Laguerre
  27. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. v.10 Die Charakterisierung der klassischen orthogonalen Polynome durch Sturm-Liouvillesche Differentialgleichungen P. Lesky
  28. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. v.4 On the classification of differential equations having orthogonal polynomial solutions L. L. Littlejohn
  29. Proc. Lodon Math. Soc. v.1 Symmetric and symmetrisable ordinary differential expressions L. L. Littlejohn;D. Race
  30. J. Comp. Appl. Math. v.57 An integral representation for the Bessel form P. Maroni
  31. Mate. Lapok v.7 Common characterization of the Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermitelike polynomials M. Mikolas
  32. SIAM J. Math. Anal. v.9 no.4 Distributional weight functions for orthogonal polynomials R. D. Morton;A. M. Krall
  33. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris v.188 Sur quelques classes nouvelle de polynomes orthogonaux M. V. Romanovski
  34. Math. Ann. v.16 Recherches sur les fonctions cylindriques et le developpment des fonctions continues en series N. J. Sonien
  35. Ann. de la Faculte des Sci. de Toulouse v.8 Recherches sur les fractions continues T. J. Stieltjes
  36. Ann. de la Faculte des Sci. J1-122 v.9 Recherches sur les fractions continues T. J. Stieltjes
  37. Ann. de la Faculte des Sci. A1-47; Oeuvres v.2 Recherches sur les fractions continues T. J. Stieltjes