- Rev. Math. Phys. v.1 Dirichlet forms in terms of white noise analysis I: Construction and QFT examples S.Albeverio;T.Hida;J. Potthoff;M. Rockner;L. Streit
- Rev. Math. Phys. v.1 Dirichlet forms in terms of white noise analysis II: Closability and diffusion processes S. Albeverio;T. Hida;J. Pothoff;M. Rockner;L. Streit
- Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. gebiete v.40 Dirichlet forms and diffusion processes on riggedHilbert spaces S.Albeverio;R.Høegh-Krohn
- Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare Sect. v.B13 Hunt processes and analytic potential theory on rigged Hilbert spaces S.Albeverio;R.Høegh-Krohn
- J. Math. Phys. v.18 Energy forms, Hamiltonians and distorled Brownian paths S.Albeverio;R.Høegh-Krohn;L. Streit
- Potential Anal. v.1 An approximate criterium of essential self-adjointness of Dirichlet operators S.Albeverio;Yu. G. Kondratiev;M. Rockner
- jour Potential Anal. v.2 S.Albeverio;Yu. G. Kondratiev;M. Rockner
- J. Funct. Anal. v.128 Dirichlet operators via stochastic analysis S.Albeverio;Yu. G. Kondratiev;M. Rockner
- BiBoS Print Ergodicity of L²-semigroups and extremality of Gibbs states S.Albeverio;Yu. G. Kondratiev;M. Rockner
- SFB v.348 Uniquencess of Gibbs states for quantum lattice systems S.Albeverio;Yu. G. Kondratiev;M. Rockner;T. V. Tsikalenko
- Dobrushin's uniqueness for quantum lattice systems with nonlocal interaction v.348 S.Albeverio;Yu. G. Kondratiev;M. Rockner;T. V. Tsikalenko
- J. Funct. Anal. v.88 Classical Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces-closability and a Cameron-Martin formula S.Albeverio;M. Rockner
- Prob. Th. and Rel. Fields v.8 Classical Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces-the construction of the associated diffusion processes S.Albeverio;M. Rockner
- Preprint BiBos No. 460 Log-Sobolew inequality for Dirichlet operators on Riemanian manifold and its application A. V. Antonjuk;Ju. G. Kondrtiev
- Preprint BiBos No. 478/91 Log-concave smooth measures on Hilbert space and some properties of corresponding Dirichlet operators A. V. Antonjuk;Ju. G. Kondratiev
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics v.1123 Diffusions hypercontractives, in “S´eminarire de probalilit´es XIX D. Bakry;M. Emery
- Commun. Math. Phys.;Commun. Math. Phys. v.129;126 First order phase transition in unbounded spin systems I,II, C. Borgs;R. Waxler
- Measure theory D. L. Cohn
- Large deviations J. D. Deuschel;D. W. Stroock
- J. Funct. Anal. v.92 Hypercontractivity and spectral gap of symmetric diffusions with applications to the stochastic Ising model J. D. Deuschell;D. W. Stroock
- Theory Prob. Appl. v.13 The description of a random field by means of conditional probabilities and conditions of its regularity R. L. Dobrushin
- Dirichlet forms and Markov processes M. Fukushima
- de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics v.9 Gibbs measures and phase transitions H.O. Georgii
- Amer. J. Math. v.97 Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities L. Gross
- White noise: An infinite dimensional calculus T. Hida;H. H. Kuo;J. Potthoff;L. Streit
- Potential Anal. v.2 Infinitedimensional Dirichlet operators I: Essential self-adjointness and associated elliptic equations Ju. G. Kondratiev;T. V. Tsycalenko.
- J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math. v.29 Dirichlet forms and diffusion processes on Banach spaces S. Kusuoka
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.78 Statistical mechanics of systems of unbounded spins J. L. Lebowitz;E. Presutti
- Preprint YUMS Dirichlet forms and diffusion processes related to quantum unbounded spin systems H. Y. Lim;Y. M. Park;H. J. Yoo
- Dirichlet forms and Dirichlet operators for Gibbs measures of quantum unbounded spin systems : Essential self-adjointness and log-Sobolev H. Y. Lim;Y. M. Park;H. J. Yoo
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.156 Spectral gap and logarithmic Sobolev inequality for Kawasaki and Glauber dynamics S. L. Lu;H.T. Yau
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.161 Approach to equilibrium of Glauber dynamics in the one phase region, I and II F. Martinelli;E.Olivieri
- J. Stat. Phys. v.75 A characterization of Gibbs states of lattice boson systems Y. M. Park;H. J. Yoo
- J. Stat. Phys. v.80 Uniqueness and clustering properties of Gibbs states for classical and quantum unbounded spin systems Y. M. Park;H. J. Yoo
- J. Math. Phys. Dirichlet operators for Gibbs measures on loop spaces : Essential self-adjointness and log-Sobolev inequality Y. M. Park;H. J. Yoo
- J. Funct. Anal. v.42 Diffusions on compact Riemannian manifolds and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities O. S. Rothaus
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics v.1563 General theory ofDirichlet forms and applications, in Dirichlet Forms M. Rockner;G. Dell’ Antonio(ed);U. Mosco(ed)
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.18 Superstable interactions in classical statistical mechanics D. Ruelle
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.50 Probability estimates for continuous spin systems D. Ruelle
- Lecture Notes YUMS 95-01 A course on infinite dimensional Dirichlet forms B. Schmuland
- General theory of Markov processes M. Sharpe
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics v.426 Symmetric Markov processes M. L. Silverstein
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.55 A remark on Nelson’s best hypercontractive estimates B. Simon
- Functional integration and quantum physics B. Simon
- Integration on Hilbert spaces A. V. Skorohod
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics v.1563 Logarithmic Sobolev inequality for Gibbs states, in Dirichlet Forms D. W. Stroock;G. Dell’Antonio(ed);U. Mosco(ed)
- J. Funct. Anal. v.104 The logarithmic Sobolev inequality for continuous spin systems on a lattice D. W. Stroock;B. Zegarlinski
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.144 The equivalence of the logarithmic Sobolev inequality and the Dobrushin-Schlosman mixing condition D.W. Stroock;B. Zegarlinski
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.149 The logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for discrete spin systems on a lattice D.W. Stroock;B. Zegarlinski
- Osaka J. Math. v.22 On the uniqueness of Markovian self-adjoint extension of diffusion operators on infinite dimensional spaces M. Takeda
- Commun. Math. Phys. v.175 The strong decay to equilibrium for the stochastic dynamics of unbounded spin systems on a lattice B. Zegarlinski