- Mathematical Methods of Game and Economic Theory, (Rev. Ed.) J.P. Aubin
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.122 A Leray-Schauder type theorem for approximable maps H. Ben-El-Mechaiekh;A. Idzik,
- Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA v.74 On a sharpened form of the Schauder fixed point theorem F. E. Browder
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.159 Generalized KKM theorem and variational inequalities S.-S. Chang;Y. Zhang
- Convex Sets and Their Applications Ky, Fan
- Math. Z. v.112 Extensions of two fixed point theorems of F. E. Browder Ky, Fan
- Inequalities III A minimax inequality and applications Ky, Fan;O. Shisha(ed.)
- J. Math. pures et appl. v.65 Coincidences for set-valued maps and minimax inequalities A. Granas;F.C. Liu
- Nonlinear Analysis v.5 On fixed points and variational inequalities - a circular tour J. Gwinner
- Math. Ann. v.248 Minimax and fixed point theorems C. W. Ha
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.97 On the use of KKM multimaps in fixed point theory and related topics M. Lassonde
- Contemp. Math. Amer. Math. Soc. v.72 Fixed point theorems on compact convex sets in topological vector spaces Sehie Park
- Nonlinear Analysis v.24 Acyclic maps, minimax inequalities and fixed points Sehie Park
- J. Korean Math. Soc. v.30 Fixed point theory of multimaps in topological vector spaces, II Sehie Park
- J. Korean Math. Soc. v.31 Foundations of the KKM theory via coincidences of composites of upper semicontinuous maps Sehie Park
- J. Optimiz. Th. Appl. v.95 Generalized equilibrium problems and generalized complementarity problems Sehie Park
- World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts ’96.Proceedings Coincidence theorems for the better admissible multimaps and their applications Sehie Park;V. Lakshimikantham(ed.)
- Nonlinear Anal. TMA A unified approach to variational inequalities on compact convex sets Sehie Park;M.P. Chen
- Proc. Coll. Natur. Sci. v.18 Admissible classes of multimaps on generalized convex spaces Sehie Park;H. Kim
- Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Amer. Math. Soc. v.45 Two function minimax theorems and variational inequalities for functions on compact and noncompact sets, with some comments on fixed-point theorems, S. Simons
- Fixed Point Theorems Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications, I E. Zeidler
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.132 Diagonal convexity conditions for problems in convex analysis and quasi-variational inequalities J. X. Zhou;G. Chen