- Trans. A. M. S. v.332 Inverse Problem in potential theory H. Bellout;A. Friedman;V. Isakov
- Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. v.101 Identification Problems in potential theory H. Bellout;A. Friedman
Ann. of Math.
$\'{e}$ grale de Cauchy definit un op$\'{e}$ rateur bourn$\'{e}$ e sup L² pour courbes lipschitziennes R. R. Coifman;A.McIntosh;Y. Meyer - Nonlinear Anal. v.10 The free boundary of a flow in a porous body heated from its boundary E. DiBenedetto;C. M. Elliot;A. Friedman
- Proceedings of AMS On a regularity theorem for weak solutions to transmission problems with internal Lipschitz boundaries L. Escauriaza;E. B. Fabes;G. Verchota
- Introduction to partial differential equations G. B. Folland
- Inverse conductivity problem with one measurement: global stability and approximate identification for perturbed disks E. Fabes;H. Kang;J. K. Seo
- Acta Math. v.141 Potential techniques for boundary value problems on C¹ domains E. B. Fabes;M. Jodeit;N.M. Riviere
- Inverse Problems v.12 Layer Potential technique for the Inverse Conductivity Problem H. Kang;J. K. Seo
- Singular integrals and differentiability properties of functions E. M. Stein
- J. of Functional Analysis v.59 Layer potentials and boundary value problems for Laplace’s equation in Lipschitz domains G. C. Verchota