This paper is concerned with the impulsive control problem $$ \dot{x}(t) = f(t, x) + g(t, x)\dot{u}(t), t \in [0, T], x(0) = \overline{x}, $$ where u is a possibly discontinuous control function of bounded variation, $f : R \times R^n \mapsto R^n$ is a bounded and Lipschitz continuous function, and $g : R \times R^n \mapsto R^n$ is continuously differentiable w.r.t. the variable x and satisfies $\mid$g(t,\cdot) - g(s,\cdot)$\mid$ \leq \phi(t) - \phi(s)$, for some increasing function $\phi$ and every s < t. We show that the map $u \mapsto x_u$ is Lipschitz continuous when u ranges in the set of step functions whose total variations are uniformly bounded, where $x_u$ is the solution of the impulsive control system corresponding to u. We also define the generalized solution of the impulsive control system corresponding to a measurable control functin of bounded variation.