'The investigation of frequently used only in China'

중국내(中國內)에 다용(多用)되고 한국(韓國)에서 소용(少用)되는 약재(藥材)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

  • Kim, Dong-Woo (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Won University(Beijing Traditional Chinese Medical College))
  • 김동우 (경원대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실(현 북경 중의대학))
  • Published : 1997.10.30


The Background and Purpose : Many herb-medicines are frequently used in China but they are not in Korea. It is required to prove them worthy to introduce into Korea and to find substitutes for them. The Objective and Methods : During stay in China as a Professor extraordinary, I investigated applications of Chinese modicines, books and theses. The Results and Conclusions : 1. In China the cheap herb-medicines are chosen preferentially and the classic rules of oriental medicine are truly observed. 2. in China it is impossible to prove virtue of ready made herb-medicines because constituents are not opened. 3. Commonly used herb-medicines are drug of clean away heat(淸熱藥) which are antinflammatories or anti-toxins. 4. Antitumorigenic effects was frequently reported but they don't get complete agreement also in China. 5. Herb-medicines which are frequently used in China but not in Korea have no significant differences from commonly used herb-medicines in Korea.



  1. 中醫藥硏究 v.13 no.74 珍稀中草藥金錢蓮的硏究近況 江海燕;王建
  2. 中藥材 v.20 no.2 半枝蓮的顯微鑑定 孟楣;周建理
  3. 中國醫學大詞典 謝觀(等編)
  4. 漢英中醫藥分類辭典 謝竹藩 等
  5. 中藥材 v.20 no.6 白花蛇舌草與混沌品松葉耳草的生藥鑑別 謝志民 等
  6. 中草藥通信 v.1 抗瘧藥靑蒿的硏究 四川中藥硏究所
  7. 中國中藥雜誌 v.18 no.6 徐長卿中3-羥-4-甲氧苯乙酮的鎭痛抑制胃腸搖動作用 孫奮治 等
  8. 中藥學 顏正華(編)
  9. 江蘇醫學 v.7 藥材的加工制備與療效 葉定江
  10. 虫草多糖脂質體對小鼠肝損傷的保護作用 吳淦桐 等
  11. 中國中藥雜誌 v.18 no.11 山豆根의 中毒原因分析 李欣 等
  12. 中成藥硏究 v.1 羚翹解毒丸江藝改革的硏究 任棋潤 等
  13. 藥學通報 v.4 不同産區石菖蒲揮發油含量及成分考察 張暉 等
  14. 中國中藥雜誌 v.18 no.2 冬蟲夏草及人工培養菌絲對體液免疫的影響 鄭淸淸 等
  15. 中國中醫雜誌 v.18 no.10 服仙鶴草煎劑出現過敏反應2例 趙平
  16. 中國中藥雜誌 v.18 no.4 四季淸的化學成分硏究 趙浩如 等
  17. 中藥通報 v.9 no.4 中藥的采收季節 周立良
  18. 中藥志 第四冊 第二版 中國醫科院藥植所 等
  19. 中藥通報 v.8 no.5 冬蟲夏草的免疫作用硏究,I 陳燕平 等
  20. 中草藥 v.6 丹參有效成分與産地 季節的關係簡介 黃秀蘭 等