KAP Study on Chinese Traditinal Doctor, Hospital and Medicine in China

최근 일부 중국인(中國人)의 중의사(中醫師).중의학(中醫學) 관련 인식(認識).태도(態度) 및 의료행위(醫療行爲)에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Sun-Dong (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine Sang Gi University) ;
  • Kim, Myung-Dong (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine Sang Gi University)
  • Published : 1997.10.30


The degree of KAP study on Chinease traditional medicine and doctor was examined with some chinease living yenbian district(延邊) from July 1st to August 30th in 1996. The result of the study for predicting health and ill patterns runs as fellows. 1. It is understand to strength and variety about role of chinease traditional medicine doctors and the curable disease. 2. Although most patients go to chinease traditional medicine clinic for the purpose of medicine herbs in package, acupuncture and industry-made pharm, they think the medical fee a little high(70.6%). 3. The 66.7% of respondents recognize chinease traditional medicine doctors as a profession and others think them only abundant works ; therefore it is rather low to ink chinease traditional doctors a profession. 4. Most respondents think that chinease traditional medicine should improved in the inside ; such as scientific reinforcement of theory, lack of univerality, improvment and enlargement of insurance, unkindness, shortage of publicity, dropped equipment, system of medical specialist, lack of integration with westem medicine, exact diagnosis and confidence of remedy, and low efficacy, etc. 5. Chinease likes more experienced-traditional doctor than beginner(78.3%) 6. The policy of korean government against 100 herbal prescription right by western pharmacy has taken the negative recognition(74.6%), 7. The degree that acknowleges of chinease traditional medicine through thease basic contents is average 47.3 mark. To be brief, although the step of the recognition and attitude of oriental medicine is less or very affirmative aspect, actully considerable positive factors is in the last chosen step. In conclusion KAP study connected chinease traditional medicine and doctor has very much postive factors.



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