Localization of Motor and Sensory Neurons Innervating Kidney, Shinsu(BL23) and Kyongmun(GB25) in the Rat

흰쥐의 신장(腎臟) 신유(腎兪) 경문(京門)을 지배하는 운동(運動)과 감각신경세포체(感覺神經細胞體)에 대한 연구(硏究)

  • Ryu, Suk-Hyun (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee, Chang-Hyeon (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Ryong (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Woosuk University)
  • 유석현 (우석대학교 대학원 한의학과 한방재활요법과학) ;
  • 이창현 (우석대학교 대학원 한의학과 한방재활요법과학) ;
  • 이상룡 (우석대학교 대학원 한의학과 한방재활요법과학)
  • Published : 1997.04.30


The location and local arrangement of motor, sensory neurons within brain stem, nodose ganglia, spinal ganglia and sympathetic ganglia projecting to rat's kidney and meridian point BL 23, GB 25 were investigated by HRP immunohistochemical methods following injection of 5% WGA-HRP into left kidney and meridian point BL 23, GB 25. Following injection of WGA-HRP into left kidney, anterogradely labelled sensory neurons were founded within either nodose ganglia and spinal ganglia. The sensory neurons innervating rat's left kidney were observed within spinal ganglia $T_{7}{\sim}L_3$. Sympathetic motor neurons innervating rat's left kidney were labelled within left suprarenal ganglia, either celiac ganglia, superior mesenteric ganglia, and sympathetic chain ganglia $T_{1}{\sim}L_3$. Sympathetic chain ganglia were concentrated in $T_{12}{\sim}L_1$. The sensory neurons innervating rat's meridian point BL 23 were founded within spinal ganglia $T_{2}{\sim}L_2$. They were numerous in spinal in ganglia $T_{10}{\sim}T_{12}$. Sympathetic motor neurons innervating rat's meridian point BL 23 were observed in suprarenal ganglia and greater splanchnic trunk, sympathetic chain ganglia from $T_1$ to $L_3$. They were concentrated in $T_{12}{\sim}L_3$. The sensory neurons innervating rat's meridian point GB 25 were labelled within spinal ganglia $T_{6}{\sim}T_{13}$. They were numerous in from T10 to $T_{12}$. Sympathetic motor neurons innervating rat's meridian point GB 25 were labelled within greater splanchnic trunk and sympathetic chain ganglia $T_{12}{\sim}L_3$. They were concentrated in $T_{13}{\sim}L_1$. This results neuroanatomically imply that the location of rat's motor and sensory neurons innervating meridian point BL 23 and GB 25 were closely related that of innervating kidney.



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