- 濟衆新編 康命吉
- 中草藥學 上海中醫學院(編)
- 巢氏諸病源候論 巢元方
- 免疫과 韓方 安德均(譯)
- 外臺秘要 王燾
- 東垣十種醫書 李東垣
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- 死亡原因統計年譜(第14卷) 統計廳
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- 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
- 精校黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植
- 대한소화기내과학회지 v.23 no.1 알콜성 간질환에 있어서 혈청 Procollagen Type III Peptide 및 laminin의 측정 권상옥
- 肝臟疾患에 對한 實驗的 및 臨床的 硏究 金炳三
- 東洋醫學 v.4 no.1 慢性肝炎4例 金秉雲
- 東洋醫學 v.5 no.3 黃疸의 原因論에 關한 文獻的 考察 金秉雲
- 加味對金飮子의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究 金榮哲
- 東洋醫學 v.3 no.2 肝臟病의 東醫診療 金定濟;金秉雲
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.3 酒傷病에 應用되는 加味對金飮子가 Ethanol로 因한 白鼠의 肝損傷에 미치는 影響 柳基遠;具本泓
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.13 no.1 茵蔯五苓散과 茵蔯增量한 構成方이 흰쥐 損傷肝에 미치는 影響 禹弘楨
- 예방의학회지 v.21 no.1 정상성인에 있어서의 B형간염 바이러스 감염에 관한 혈청역학적 연구 유근영;박병두;안윤옥
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.3 淸肝健脾湯의 茵蔯 增量이 白鼠의 損傷肝에 미치는 影響에 關하여 任宰訓;禹弘楨;金秉雲;金定濟
- 대한내과학회잡지 v.38 한국인 수혈 후 간염과 만성 간질환 환자에서의 C형간염 바이러스 감염 동태(제1보) 정규원;선희식;정환국;신호균;박충기;유재영(외)
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.15 赤楊生肝湯이 알콜性 肝損傷에 미치는 效果 洪美淑;金東佑;李長勳;禹弘楨;金秉雲
- 臨床檢査法提要 金井泉
- Alcohol代識と肝([Alcohol 代識と肝]硏究會編) v.2 石井裕正 等
- 藥學雜誌 生藥の肝障害抑制作用 ヒキノヒロシ
- YAKUGAKU ZASSHl. v.106 no.8 Experimental Production of Various Types of Cholestasis and the Effects of Cystemine A. Kamokawa;S. Ohta;A. Tatsugi;M. Kumasaka;M. Shinoda
- Clin. Chem. v.20 Enzymatic determation of total cholesterol C. Allain
- Am. J. Clin. Pathol. v.32 Ultramicrochemical analysis of blood glucose with glucose oxidase Cawleey, L.P.;Spear, F.E.;Kendall, R.
- J. Clin. Path. v.13 A rapid and precise method for the determination of urea Fawcett, J.K.;J.E. Scott
- Biochem. J. v.134 H.A. Krebs R. Hems;P. Lund
- YAKUGAKU ZASSHl v.112 ive Effects of Various Methanol Extracts of Crude Drugs on Experimental Subacute and Chronic Hepatic Injury Ishizuka, O.;Kumazawa, N.;Ohta, S.;Kamogawa, A.;Shinoda, M.
- J. Clin. Path. v.7 Estimation plasma phosphatase by determination of hydrolysed phenol with aminoantipyrine Kind, P.R.N;King, E.J.
Protective Effects of Various Methanol Extracts of Crude Drugs on Experimental Hepatic Injury Induced by
$\alpha$ -Naphthylisothiocyanate in Rats Kumazawa, N.;Ohta, S.;Tu, S-H.;Kamogawa, A.;Shinoda, M. - J. BioI. Chem. v.259 Oxygen and Carbon-centered free radical formation during carbon tetrachloride metabolism McCay, P. B.;Lai, E. K.;Poyer, J. L.;DuBose, C. M.;Jansen, E. G.
- YAKUGAKU ZASSHI v.113 Protective Effects of Taiwan Crude Drugs on Experimental Liver Injuries Ohta, S.;Sato, N.;Tu, S-H.;Kamokawa, A.;Shinoda, M.
- Am. J. Clin. Phathol. v.28 A colorimetric method for the determination of serum glutamic oxaloacetic acid and glutamic pyruvic transaminase Reitman, S.;Frankel, S.
- Clin. Chem. v.14 The determination of triglycerides in plasma and tissues Sardesa V.M.;Mannig J.A.
- YAKUGAKU ZASSHI v.102 no.6 Pharmacological studies on Schzandra Fruits. II. S. Maeda;K. Sudo;Y. Miyamoto;S. Takeda;M. Shinbo;M. Aburada;Y. Ikeya;H. Taguchi; M. Harada
- Folia Pharmacol. Japon v.85 Pharmacological studies on schizandra fruits. III. Effects of wuweizisu C, a lignan component of schizandra fruits, on experimental liver injuries in rats S. Takeda;S. Funo;A. Iizuki;Y. Kase;I. Arai;Y. Ohkura;K. Sudo;N. Kiuchi;C. Yoshida; S. Maeda;M. Aburada;E. Hodoya
- J. Lab. and Clin. Med. v.50 Micromethod for the determation of serum triglyceride Van handel E.;Zilversmit D.B.
- Proc. Soc. Exp. BioI. Med. v.90 Lactic dehydrogenase activity in blood Wroblewski, F.;J.S. LaDue
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.30 no.9 Protective action of Desoxypodophyllotoxin on d-galactosamine-induced liver lesion in rats Y. Kiso;C. Konno;H. Hikino;I. Hashimoto;H. Wakasa
- YAKUKAGU ZASSHI v.110 Pharmacological Studies on Puerariae Flos. II.The effects of Puerariae Flos on Alcohol-Induced Unusual Metabolism and Experimental Liver Injury in Mice Y. Niiho;T. Yamazaki;Y. Nakajima;H. Itoh;T. Takeshita;J-E. Kinjo;T. Nohara