The Present Situation, its Controversial Points and its counterplans of Korean Students who are Studing Chinese Medicine in China

중국(中國)의 중의약대학(中醫藥大學) 한국유학생(韓國留學生) 현황(現況), 문제점(問題點) 및 대책(對策)

  • 이선동 (상지대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 문용 (중국북경의과대학)
  • Published : 1997.04.30


For last four or five years, the number of Korean students have gone on increasing awfully. After the year 1997 when they will flow in, our field and government will be undergone a big shock and social problems. Therefore, thorough grasping and the method of provision is expeced to need. 1. The situation, According to the data published from the year 1993 to 1997, their results are great different. But recent Korean embassy in China examined the situation of the Korean students, whose result was investigated as follows: about 1500 persons, their average age is 24 to 44, the ratio of male and female students is 3 to 1, that of their academic background which is a graduate of university : that of college : that of highschool is 1.6 : 1 : 4.7, and that of their class attitude which is direct : common : indirect appears the percents 30.4 : 52.8 : 16.8. 2. The controversial points (1) A lowering of standards on Chinese medical treatment is expected by the imprudent studying abroad without qualification. And because of excessive production of herb doctors, the amount of treatment may be above people's demand. Besides owing to the impossibility of prediction on the number the counterplans of our government may fall into utler confusion. (2) The curriculum, the teaching schedule and contents are so different that the graduates seem not to be given real education of chinese medicine from the point of Korean view. (3) In the wrong national examination, the important thought of china, and the system of WTO in Korea, when China will become mighty rival above problems contain the negative sides. 3. The counterplans - what should be performed soon. (1) Illegal contents about studying abroadl in China ought to inform sidely that students might not go on increasing. Before they form nam-power, the government and the field of chinese medicine should cope with such a situation together. (2) The law of regulation about agents should be legislated and they should be surpervised. (3) The exact numbers of students, their situation, and the present condition of each university should be examined. (4) After investigating the problems of the present system of national test, its enforcement and many counterplans is requisite. (5) The cooperating confrontation with the conference of dentistry is in need. (6) Since the problems are possibility to be developed to diplomatic questions, the effort of both nations is needful. - what need middle of long time. (1) The effort that suppress the more establishment of the college of oriental medicine is necessary. (2) After comparing with the system of foreign test, the government should make the system of test in accord with the mutualism and the principle of indiscrimination among nations and cope with such a many issues thoroughly.



  1. 외국 치대 교육 및 시험 현황-필리핀- 대한 치과의사 협회
  2. 의료관계 법규 고문사 편집부(편)
  3. 중국 한의대 유학생 모집에 따른 문제 대한 한의사 협회
  4. 치의신보
  5. 한의학 관련기사 모음집 사단법인 대한 한의사 협회 홍보위원회
  6. 치과의사 국가 시험제도 개선방향 대한 치과의사 협회 학술위원회
  7. 중국 유학생 문제 따른 대책 서울시 한의사 협회
  8. 상지대학교 논문집 제17집 UR 서비스 개방에 따른 한방의료의 대처방안 연구 이선동;김태희;박경식
  9. 보건복지통계연보 제39호 보건복지부
  10. 외국의과대학 졸업자, 대책연구(실태조사)-중국 중의대를 중심으로- 대한 한의사협회
  11. 외국 수학의료인력의 자격인정문제(안) 의료개혁위원회
  12. 대한한의학회 96년도 전국한의과대학 교수 workshop 1996년도 한의과대학 학습목표 개정사업 전국 한의과대학교육협의회
  13. 한의신문
  14. 주중한국대사관 중국내 한국유학생 실태조사내용 동아일보
  15. 한의사 인력수급 연구 보건사회연구원
  16. 한겨레
  17. 뉴스피플
  18. 주간 한국의약 신문
  19. 기타, 자료