The objectives of this study are : 1) To understand self-care ability, living habits, utilization patterns of medical facililties for the elderly in Puk-Cheju county which has the highest percent age of senior citizens among Cheju rural community: 2) To identify factors which influence living quality and long life for the eldely 3) To develop health care service with a view to guaranteering living quality The eldely population of Puk-Cheju county was $10.8\%$ in 1995. It will be increasing and is projeted $23.0\%$ by 2030. The result indicated that utilizations rate by out-patient were 5.89 claims and utilizations rate by in-patient were 0.17 claims per person. The highest disease among respondents were disease of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. A total of 310 elderlys were responded to analyze self-care ability and health behavior. The most important factors of long life were to have peaceful mind$(50.0\%)$. The common disease of acute and chronic disease was musculoskeletal system disease. $66.8\%$ of respondents went to hospital and local clinic when they got sick. The most needed health care service was home visiting service among public health center, representing $31.4\%$. The repondent's self-care ability and self-efficacy were relatively superiority. A total of 92 elderlys were conducted the intelligence test for the rate of dementia and their average age was 74.3. The result of Minimental State Scale indicated that 25% of respondents were suspected to be dementia. The followings are recommendations based on the survey result. 1) Concidering every conditions of self-care ability and health status for elderly. It is important to embody appopriate health care service. 2) Considering concrete method, it is necessary to establish health service, which match health status and self-care ability, and various planning for sepecial facilities for the elderly. 3) It is desiable to make actual programs for the elderly in each community level. 4) It must be develop the better use of volunteers and programs for prevention of dementia. Finally, Concerning the orgarnization of public health center, community health center need to be reorganized for health service for the elderly. It is important to develop and operate health promotion for the elderly, and it is necessary to form the foundation for the support of facilities equipments. This contribute to promote health status for the rural elderly.