Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment (환경영향평가)
- Volume 5 Issue 2
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- Pages.49-57
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- 1996
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- 1225-7184(pISSN)
Schemes for the Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development of Groundwater Resources
지하수자원의 환경적으로 지속가능한 개발 방안
- Hong, Sang-Pyo (Department of Environmental Health, Seoul Health Junior College) ;
- Kim, Jung-Wuk (Department of Environmental Planning, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1996.10.25
On the basis of sustainable long-term water resources planning, the development of ground water resources should be interlocked with the surface water development In considering the intertemporal equity, overpumping of groundwater may diminish or eliminate the groundwater resources stock of post-generations. Regulatory landuse zoning for groundwater resources recharge area is indispensable measures to prevent groundwater pollution. Adequate treatment of polluted water from various sources such as municipal sewage, industrial wastewater, landfill site leachate, and abandoned boring wells, is also necessary for groundwater protection. To preserve groundwater resources as common property goods, groundwater use tax should be imposed upon the large scale groundwater use. Finally, the establishment of groundwater development license system is recommended to achieve the social optimal production and to avoid external diseconomy.
- Groundwater Resources;
- Groundwater Pollution;
- Common Property Goods;
- External Diseconomy;
- Environmentally Sustainable Development