상악 구개부 치은에 발생한 편평상피세포암의 증례보고

Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Palatal Gingiva. A Case Report

  • 김옥수 (전남대학교 치과대학 치주과학교실) ;
  • 정현주 (전남대학교 치과대학 치주과학교실)
  • Kim, Ok-Su (Dept. of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, Chon-nam National University) ;
  • Chung, Hyun-Ju (Dept. of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, Chon-nam National University)
  • 발행 : 1996.03.30


Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of the gingiva. Oral cancer accounts for 5 percent of all malignant tumors in the body, and 6 percent of these occur in the gingiva. We present one case of squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva in 23-year-old female. She complained of gingival swelling and pain during mastication between left maxillary first molar and second molar. Since she had received scaling 2 years ago, food impaction occurred frequently in this site and an ulcerative lesion recurred several times. When she was referred from local clinic, she had a large, irregularly ulcerated lesion of palatal gingiva between left maxillary first molar and second molar, accompanying induration in center and slight elevation around ulcerative margin. The etiology could not be defined but we could diagnose by careful history taking and excisional biopsy of the recurrent ulcerative lesion. In addition, computed tomography and nuclear medicine imaging were undertaken. As a result, we finally diagnosed as moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma without metastases. It is concluded that if ulcerations do not respond to therapy in the usual manner, it should be biopsed and histologically evaluated for the definitive diagnosis and treatment.
