생약 중 잔류 농약의 분석법: GC/MS에 의한 27종 잔류 규제 농약의 분석

Analysis of Residual Pesticides in Herbal Drugs: GC/MS Analysis of 27 Controlled Pesticides

  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


GC/MS analysis of 27 controlled pesticides in herbal drugs was studied. Selected ion monitoring(sim) technique was applied to increase the GC/MS sensitivity. Typical peaks in th e mass spectrum of each pesticides were selected as quantitation, comfirmation or alternate ion. Twenty seven pesticides were divided into five groups according to their retention time and the peaks for SIM were programmed accordingly. The combination of two ionization methods, electron impact(EI)-SIM-MS and negative ion chemical ionization(NCI)-SIM-MS, were well-fitted for the detection, confirmation and quantitation of multiclass residual pesticides in herbal drugs.
